Just pulled a Heatran Lv.X, Worth Much


Espeon Owns All!
As the title says I pulled a Heatran Lv.X out of the 'Regigigas' Stormfront Pack. I tend to get the best pulls out of the pack with the Gigas art work, Don't know why.

So what is the worth of this mint condition card. It still smells new, Love that new smell!
PokeKid Brandon said:
Probably $10-$12 beacuse you can get it in a tin.

I actually bought the Heatran Tin and an extra Stormfront Booster. I ended up with 2 Heatran, 1 Promo, 1 Pack. The one from the pack has mush better holofoil stars and artwork!
True, but PKB is right, anything you get in a tin is never worth over $15. Especially Heatran, I would pay $13 for it...