Just Curious.....

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Cyber End Dragon Z

Aspiring Trainer
I'm just wondering, but who banned Cyber End Dragon X?!?

Who liked him?

And who disliked or didn't know him?

Thanks for clearing this up because people tell me he was a really great person who shouldn't have been banned!
Then why would this be your first topic of discussion. Not to mention that you go to the thread that CEDX got banned in right after this. This is fishy to say the least.
I have to agree with Kevin on this one.

Plus, the way you talk of this banned person realy makes me think that it is you, not only the name.
I'm not CEDX or Z, whatever.

Your just trying to pit the same conversation we had right before you got banned onto me. Quote myself from before, "I don't argue."

That's the truth. I'm stating fact.


To stay on topic, this is the type of thing that CEDX would do and why not many people got along with him.
Hey, even if you are CEDX, I'm willing to give you another chance. Maybe you've changed. Maybe you haven't. If you are CEDX, I hope you did change.
True. I liked you CED even though he (o_O) was tough to get along with. He (o_O) was going to be in my league.

If you are him, I hope your better.
Lol this is so funny you know you can't start another acount right because it is agaisnst(I know I spelled it wrong sorry) the rule and by make a topic about your old name you gave yourself away in any case I won't report you because then I would be mean plus I think that people would know it's you
Who cares who banned CEDX? You're a bit too fishy for my tastes, Mr. CEDZ, so I'm putting a temporary ban on you. Don't worry, it's only for a week while I can confirm whether or not you're telling the truth.

If in fact it is proven that you are who you say you are, then the ban shall be lifted and you are more than welcome to stay, chat, have fun.

But if you're not, then just get out and don't come back.

Now, everyone go somewhere else.
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