Jayj4's Super Awesome Banner and Sprite Shop!

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Oh... That is really sad :( Me and all others are very sorry for being inpatient and bratty while your kin is sick. And BrOkenICE how did you find this out? (STALKER! :p LOLWUTZ)
Wow guys, thanks for understanding.
I'll still need to be away for a couple of days, but I'll complete everyone's request btw then (hopefully)
And again, thanks for understanding :)
What you want: An avatar
Colours: A american flag
Images(provide a link if possible, unless it is a sprite): Don't got one
Text(optional): The Winner
Employee (who you want to do your request): Don't care, whoever can do gifs!
Anything Else?: A Lillipup playing an instrument
You know what to put here: Umbreon is pretty amazing.
Sorry about your cousin, Jay.
What I want: Signature
Colors: Purple swirls in background
Images: http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/769/thepurplepro.jpg (Render the Shades and Sleeves out of the picture.)
Text: The Purple Pro.
Employee: jayj4
You know what to put here: Umbreon is awesome!
Thanks in advance!

P.S. Hope your cousin is feeling better soon! :)
Guys -- please refrain from holding conversations in threads. This thread should only contain posts about Jayj's work/requests. Thanks!

Jayj -- I hope your cousin has a speedy recovery!
I'm canceling my order!

'Cause I have a new design.

What you want: Banner
Colours: red, black, purple
Images: Creepy
Text: Z
Employee: Jayj4
Anything Else?: No blood this time. I'm just kidding, lots of blood.
Have it real creepy looking.
You know what to put here: Umbreon? No, I don't like it...I LOOOVE IT!!!

Now, see ya later Jay. Hope your cousin gets better *wink*
Lol thanks everybody :D
I will be coming back on Saturday next week, that's when all my exams are finished, and my cousin can go home.
I changed my order.

What I want: Signature
Colors: Purple and black swirls in background
Images: Togepi & Purple Shutter Shades (Please put the shades over the Togepi's eyes.)
Text: The Pro's got Style.
Employee: jayj4
You know what to put here: Umbreon is awesome!
Thanks in advance!

P.S. Glad to hear your cousin's feeling better!
Images: http://media.photobucket.com/image/recent/alfchamagua/Blaziken.gif
and this
(if you could somehow make it smaller)
Text: Return to Hoenn
Employees: JayJ4
Anything Else?: Color theme: light and wispy, red merges into green in the middle
You know what to put here:
Umbreon is awesome

What you want: An avatar and banner
Colours: A american flag
Images(provide a link if possible, unless it is a sprite): http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b342/Tolkoto/lillipup.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bitmob.com/articles/5-best-new-pokemon-in-black-and-white&usg=__0utUkjiPzS9r45Gt8cGxEwFWZB0=&h=320&w=243&sz=19&hl=en&start=37&zoom=1&tbnid=XioGh4V0DsvSEM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=102&ei=tc3FTZK7AcfGgAejkv3KBA&prev=/search%3Fq%3DCute%2BLillipup%2BPics%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D899%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C300&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=472&vpy=538&dur=0&hovh=256&hovw=194&tx=108&ty=255&page=2&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:37&biw=1280&bih=899
Text(optional): The Winner
Employee (who you want to do your request): Don't care, whoever can do gifs!
Anything Else?: A Lillipup playing an instrument
You know what to put here: Umbreon is pretty amazing.
Sorry about your cousin, Jay.
What you want: A banner

Colours: Light green, green (no dark greens)

Images(provide a link if possible, unless it is a sprite): (Do I need to provide a link for this?) Wurple, Sewaddle, Caterpie (Sugimori Art)

Text(optional): Caterpillars=Awesome

Employee (who you want to do your request): Jayj4

Anything Else?: Leaves in the backround if possible

You know what to put here: Umbreon is awesome

Thanks in advance!
Color of Trainer card:red
Trainer Sprite:eek:ne from black and white
Pokemon:krookodile, zekrom, chandelure, kyurem, braviary, kingdra
You know what to put here:umbreon is awesomeeeeeeee
Wow Jayj4... Your shop is the biggest one I think.. Nice... I might consider applying to work... xD... But I have to make 2 more new ones since its been quite some time since I made something in PS... Unless you don't mind my old one... Well.. Let me know via PM... Cheers...
BrOkenICE said:
I'm canceling my order!

'Cause I have a new design.

What you want: Banner
Colours: red, black, purple
Images: Creepy
Text: Z
Employee: Jayj4
Anything Else?: No blood this time. I'm just kidding, lots of blood.
Have it real creepy looking.
You know what to put here: Umbreon? No, I don't like it...I LOOOVE IT!!!

Now, see ya later Jay. Hope your cousin gets better *wink*

Well, because I had time to spare (and wanted to actually do something here), I made your banner.

Version 1:


Version 2:


Well, there it is… oh wait. You asked for Jayj4. Oh well, I'm not exactly going to delete this now, you can take it if you want or have it redone. I won't get my feelings hurt if you want it redone by Jayj4. Really.
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