Japanese Pikachu Libre Promo Pack in June

Cool, but the only reason I would want this is for the packs, and even then, only for the garevoirs
3 for 50 isn't that horrible in the grand scheme of things. Furious Fists Eevee's attack is 2 for TEN for example, and there are plenty of 3 for 30s, even ones requiring a coloured energy, like Ancient Origins Beldum and Primal Clash Tangela. To be fair, these are all evolving basics, but Pikachu Libre is the kind of Pokemon that should be treated that way anyway, even though it can't evolve. It's not like we're going to get a serious non-EX Pikachu with like 100+ HP and a usable attack, and Pikachu doesn't even lend itself well to like a support Pokemon role.

Pikachu Libre is by no means an even remotely usable card, but there are far, far worse cards out there.
3 energy for 50 damage. Hmm, is this the most expensive attack for the amount of damage in the XY series?
No, wailord ex's five WATER for 120 AND PUT YOURSELF TO SLEEP is probably the worst. But Wailord is still a beast. It just can't attack very well.