BW/BW2 Is anyone else disappointed that the first lightning/bug wasn't a lightning bug?


Aspiring Trainer
I mean I know we already had lightning bugs, but how many mice/birds/turtles do we have? Don't get me wrong though, the spider is badgrass, and the pre-evo is super cute. Just so much lost potential with puns. I know that pokemon are created in japan beforehand, but there are an awful lot of puns that managed to make it's way over to the English as well.

Also, disappointment in the first fire/bug not being a fire bug should go here too.
@cartman: Wat

@WrightJustice: Well you see, there's lightning bugs, and fire bugs in the real world, in the pokemon world the typings can be arranged so that it matches the names of these irl bugs. However, in the cases of the lightning/bug and fire/bug types, they've neglected to develop off of these puns.

@Illusion: What did this have anything to do with them being pokemon or not...
That's not what he or she meant. They were saying why does it matter if the first electric/bug or fire/bug pokemon doesn't relate to a real life counterpart?

I understand the lightning bug concern, but I dont see it as too big of one. Yes it would have mde sense to make the first electric/bug type a lightning bug, but hey, at least we got a pokemon with the typing. That is all that really matters in the end.

I never heard of a fire bug before, but after googling it, I can honestly say that there isn't too much to go off of. A red beetle pokemon? A bit too generic if you ask me.
Yes, and I'm asking them what does this have to do with anything I'm talking about at all. It's like asking all the people who don't like the new gen, why it even matters. Because they care about pokemon, but then you ask why they care about pokemon. I don't see a reason to intracitely explain how I feel about something, I just wish they had done something different, the end.

It's not even like I'm making a crisis out of this, just a mild disappointment, the spider was a great idea, the moth is a little weird, there were a lot of other better ideas they could've done with for a fire/bug. There's a beetle that mixes chemicals in it's body to make an actual explosion, they could've had an enraging beetle, but instead they had a flying sun-like moth...ok.

Getting the typing is an entirely different concern from this altogether, it's connecting that and a pokemon's design to create something interesting.

Also, the umpteenth moth wasn't generic to you? And if you had to look it up, why's this unoriginal to you? Sounds like it's obscure if anything, and if you've ever read some of the origin articles on bulbapedia, there are some pretty obscure pokemon.
what does it matter? denchura is an epic pokemon, it doesnt matter that we dont have a electric/bug firefly. just because denchura is the first one doesnt make it the only one.
who cares, and do we even need a whole thread for this?
This doesn't have anything to do with Denchura, or the presence of anything actually, but rather the lack of something. I've already explained why the argument of "What does it matter?" isn't applicable in this situation or any really, this would be like saying to every disappointment, you voice a complaint someone says "who cares?" Great, that added nothing. If you don't care, then why bother attempting to add to the conversation. I mean if you don't find it to be necessary that there's a thread, why's a response such as or any for that matter, necessary?
how can you say this has nothing to do with denchura, it is the first electric/bug that is mentioned in the title of this thread...personally i think denchura is great. and just because we dont have an electric/bug or fire/bug lightning bug/firefly doesnt mean we will never get one.
and both illumise and volbeat are fireflies/lightning bugs...
You seemed to have overly cherry picked your response, I said it right there in that post, this is about the absence of a lightning/bug lightning bug. I already accepted in the begging of the thread that Denchura is a fine pokemon, if it has anything at all to do with this, it would be that it's presence would show a sad oversight in pokemon development. You completely ignored how it is that your belief that this thread shouldn't exist works with you still replying to it.

I also said this right in the first post of the thread "I know we already had lightning bugs".
dont get so protective of your little thread. why cant you just be happy that we have a electric/bug type at all instead of complaining about it?
I think you guys are exaggerating what Sabett meant by "disappointment". I don't think he has to be "grateful" for there being an electric/bug, and I certainly am not. It sounds ridiculous.
I think he could have worded it like:
"wouldn't it be cool if that first lightning/bug was based on a lightning bug?"
"wouldn't it be puntastic if that first lightning/bug was based on a lightning bug?"

@Sabett I made that remark to mock you a little bit. I think the missed opportunity for puns is very trivial, but you certainly don't have to be "grateful". I'm actually happy you are coming up with new possibilities for pokemon, and not merely accepting what you were given.

Sorry, I'm just reacting to people telling him to be quiet and be grateful. It doesn't sit right with me.
Apparently among the both of you (illusion and dark arceus), you couldn't read the two times in which I said I was fine with having Denchura, even though they were even in direct reply to you. Also, Shadow Arceus don't ignore the fact that you made a fallacy from saying the thread had no reason to exist and then replied to it. If you're going to reply to me, you should really reply to the actual post instead of a sentence here or there. Your replies aren't even making sense anymore in contrast to what they're in reply to.

EDIT: Cartman pretty much hit it on the nose. Except I actually do like Denchura as well.
Not really, in fact it's actually cool that they didn't do something so obvious.

Plus the fact that if there was an Electric/Bug Lightning bug then there would be no Denchura line....and that would be a very sad thing.

So no, not at all disappointed.
Sabett- I concur, now that I think about it a moth design is a bit generic. Yet I can't help but feel as though there are more ways to take a moth and pokefy it than a beetle. It seems as though you know more about insects than the average person, so I am sure you would have plenty of ideas to how we could incorporate one for the fire/bug typing. For instance, the one that makes an explosion, that is a good idea. (You sure you don't work for Nintendo?)

And to response on bulbapedia, I haven't read every single pokemon's origins. However of the few I know of, I would have to agree with your statement on obscurity.

Btw, how many moth pokemon have we had?
The new fire/bug one of course, Dustox... what else?
@Dizzard: Well they could've still made the Denchura line. Also, while pokemon's obscure there are examples of very obvious pokemon, ledyba, caterpie, how the new ice cream pokemon, Ekans, Arbok. A lightning/bug lightning bug would certainly not be the most obvious of pokemon designs.

@Squirletame08: LoL, no I don't work at nintendo. But yeah, pokemon like parasect have been made from a fungus that actually alters the brain of insects, and mawile was based off of an old legend in Japan. (credit to the writer on bulbapedia)

We have venemoth, mothim, dustox, and urguamoth, so 4. (I hope the english name doesn't have moth in it. -.-)
@Sabett Im just saying that why would you be disappointed? YOu still have a bug/electric it would probably learned the same moves. Im stating that there isn't a big difference between the two.