
its back boys and girls
I got this game about a month ago along with my purchase of the PS3. I beat the game 2 days ago, and I was amazed. If you'd like to discuss the game, here is the place to do so! :]

There will be spoilers for those who haven't finished the game, so if you don't want the game to be spoiled for you, do not continue reading.

I haven't collected all of the Dead Drops, but from what I've heard so far, John was ordered to protect Sasha. If John was infiltrating The First Sons, then Kessler must have assigned him to protect Sasha. And The First Sons helped her escape the tunnel after the battle with her. So I'm going to take a guess that Sasha was in on it the whole time, as part of the practice.

I guess this is just to discuss the game, and discuss what you may want in inFAMOUS 2, which is only rumored, not confirmed, but it's pretty obvious that there will be a sequel.

Who is the beast that Kessler was training Cole to battle? That's what I want to know. And what happened to Alden? And Sasha? I bet that will play a big role in the next game, if there is one.