in 10 years....


mew mix mewtwo clock!
What will hapen in pokemon (anime) if everyone was 10 years older? To annonce my ideas, I must swich mewmaster2291 with Keith Olberman! Dah Nuh, Na Nu, Nah

Which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow?

5. the recently spotted arceus was captured by local Pokemon champion named Ash Kechum.
4.trainers may and dawn reach the final round of the ultumant festival of pokemon contests! mays blaziken amd dawns loopuny battleled out feircely, but blaziken won with an ice punch.
3. pokemon expert professor oak died this morning of a heart attack.
2. Speaking of ash, he recently was interveiwed today after defeating battlus.
after the interveiw, he spoke with his closest friends, and he told brock that he found him a great match for him. he told tracey to take good care of his arceus, and, ash asked misty if she cold marry him. she said yes, and kissed during the commercials.
1. ashs dad came home. after spending 14 years in the world of pokemon(pmd), he returned with a statue of lucario.
That is a good question and we will be 4 generations ahead of now in an undiscovered yet to be discovered region. We will still be battling Team Rocket and we would have diffrent people staring in the show other than the ones we have now but Brock will still be a part of the show and still trying to get a girl. LOL. I wonder what will happen in the next 10 years.:)
If you think about it, in ten years none of the characters would be pokemon trainers, they would be grown ups. They will have either stopped pokemon or satrted a new character (Like ash's little brother!)

In ten years ash will be in the elite four or be a frontier brain.

Misty will Continue her role as gym leader and not much else.

May will be a contest champion and evolve her eevee into a lefia.

Max will be the pettleberg gym leader.

Brock will Be the pewter gym leader and be married with 9 kids like his Dad was.

Dawn will possibly be a contest champion.

Paul will get recruited by team rocket.

Gary will take over from Prof oak.

Ash and co. will defeat team rocket.

Jessie and James will get sacked from team rocket and meowth will be given to a circus.

Richie will come back somewhere and battle ash for the champion of Kanto and Ash will win.

Ash will catch latias. (think of movie 5)

Tracy will be a proffeser somewhere ( and an artist )

Drew will also be a contest champion.

Harley will get involved in some wakey science experiment and turn into a cacturn!

Ash will be a pokemon ranger.

I think i covered everyone now.
also y hasn't proffesor oak dies already
and if ash did hve arceus he would be umbitable,i mean he already is umbetable with is little electric rodent i hate that thing!/_ /
dark charizard said:
also y hasn't proffesor oak dies already
and if ash did hve arceus he would be umbitable,i mean he already is umbetable with is little electric rodent i hate that thing!/_ /

They don't be hating the mascot of pokemon. Pikachu is cool. Yeah I think Paul will join team rocket. Go on a really dangerous misson and ends up dead.
Its A Prograjm That Young Kids Watch There Not Killing Any One Off They May "Go Away" But Not Die
Here's what I will think

Misty continues to be the Gym Leader in Cerluean
May is the Gym Leader in Petalburg, was a former Contest Champion
Max is the Professor in Littleroot
Brock marries the Pewter City Nurse Joy and has 4 kids
Jessie finds out that being a member of a criminal organization ruined her life, and so she became a Champion Coordiantor
James lives in the cottage once owned by his Nanny and Pop-pop
Tracey catches a Smeargle and he becomes one of the best artists to ever live
Meowth heads back to his roots and leads a pack of wild Meowth
Ash and Dawn marry, Dawn becomes the Professor in Pallet, Ash is the Gym in Viridian City and Dawn was a Contest Champion

These are my OPINIONS, don't critize me for my opinions
mewmaster2291 said:
What will hapen in pokemon (anime) if everyone was 10 years older? To annonce my ideas, I must swich mewmaster2291 with Keith Olberman! Dah Nuh, Na Nu, Nah

Which of these stories will you be talking about tomorrow?

5. the recently spotted arceus was captured by local Pokemon champion named Ash Kechum.
4.trainers may and dawn reach the final round of the ultumant festival of pokemon contests! mays blaziken amd dawns loopuny battleled out feircely, but blaziken won with an ice punch.
3. pokemon expert professor oak died this morning of a heart attack.
2. Speaking of ash, he recently was interveiwed today after defeating battlus.
after the interveiw, he spoke with his closest friends, and he told brock that he found him a great match for him. he told tracey to take good care of his arceus, and, ash asked misty if she cold marry him. she said yes, and kissed during the commercials.
1. ashs dad came home. after spending 14 years in the world of pokemon(pmd), he returned with a statue of lucario.
6. You will learn how to spell.
Im sorry I just thought that was hilarious but really not to be mean or to mini mod it was sort of hard to interpret everything, or stop laughing.
It would be hilarius if in 10 years ash dies and then pikachu triped over a thunder stone.
They will probobly run every episode of Pokemon in 10 years like they are doing right now online and on CN both.:)
that would be cool. but i think ash will come home one season and all of his tauros will slotter him, or his aipom will evolve and slap him to death with its two hands on his tail.
Just had a thought, though mabey not 10 years later. Ash get thrashed by the Sinnoh league, many, many times, and he gets more and more desprite to win, until he forces Pikachu to evolve in his lust to win. This time he gets to the champion, on their last pokemon, Ash tries to make Raichu do something (probably cheap dunno) and raichu refuses and lets it self get knocked. Then Cynthia and his friends snap ash out of his frame of mind. Then he'd give up battling to develop stronger bonds with his pokemon, actaully grow up (0_o OMG!) Mary some-one Mist most likely, but it'd be nice to see him get together with Salon Maiden Anabel, have a boy, and on his 10th birthday, Ash's son starts his journey.
Wow...such hatred for Satoshi...

Well,for one thing. Season 19 will end with Satoshi finally popping the question to Kasumi.Well,after she says yes,Satoshi is kidnapped by Anabell and taken to a far off island.Misty must rescue him.May will finally confess the feelings she has for Drew.Dawn will fall for Paul..cause she loves her some badboy. Jesse and James will fall for each other and that stupid little meowth that dumped poor TR Meowth will finally come to with the stupid mistake she made and they'll have babies.
Gary will inherit the lab and Oak will be put in a home.
Harley will go and try to find himself.
Max will get and get that gym.
And HO-Oh will hold a rebellion with all the other legends and blow things up unti people come to with the fact thay they will never be captured...
I think this is what will happenin 10 years:
Ash will still be sruggling in Sinohh
Pikachu will abondon Ash and then Get pegged by a Thunderstone
Dawn will get a Glameow and evolve it into a Purugly and get crushed by her fat cat.
Brock will get married to some oblivous boob and run Pewter gym once is Dad goes bye-bye
May will still loose to Drew and eventually marry him
Max will be finishing up is journeys and in turn destroying ash
Jessie will be pokemon's Brittany Spears and shave her head
James will raise a farm of Carivorous plants... and then get eaten to death
Meowth will finally learn a decent move and lead adandined Meowths
Professor Oak will marry Agatha and then die two days later
Gary will date one (or all) of his cheerleaders and run the lab in Pallet town
Paul will get attacked by his own pokemon and die
Drew will die his hair red and then marry May
Harley will stay as Gay as ever and end up with a man
Professor Birch will get lost in a valley and never be found
Richie will get plastic surgery to turn into an Ash
Casey will will take over her home I think baseball team. Don't remember
Misty will kick Psyduck and probably get eaten by her Garydos
Everyone on Pokebeach will point and laugh as all of there lives go nowhere
paul would get beat up by the pokemon he relest at there final form. so 3 staraptors azumerill a soon to be relesed chimchar and others we dont know about
I say he will release his Murkrow and a whole bunch of other stuff. And you forgot Stanler. I hope Paul gets sent to he;l
I Don't Think Pikachu Will Ever Evolve Or Leave Ash
Max Probs Will Become A Gym Leader And Gary A Professer
May and Drew Will Marry LoL Its Always Been On The Cards