Writing If you were reading this it's done, over, fin. I'm no longer working on it. nor is it a part of my

Max Shade IV

Pokémon Collector
The Return of the Master

Anyways, I want everyone to read this very carefully:


Anyone who offers me a character in any way shape or form will be reported for spamming up my thread.

Let the temporal pardoxes comence.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story!

Sweet sounds cool Max! Im going to finishreading your last chapter in yourlast story soonso I can seehow it ended. Can't wait for the first chapter! I want to see furret get caught
RE: Pokémon Max's Story!

LOL Pikachu like Magikarp.
Anyways I hope this will be short and sweet!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story!

Quick question Max. I'm assuming J.C. and Rick will show up in this story, but who else from your past stories will show up?
RE: Pokémon Max's Story!

Well, here's what I've got when it comes to characters:

Rich makes his way in, but J.C. will not be a main character, as he is only four.
April will be a new main character.
Emily may make a cameo or two.
Jay will make his appearance at the end

Other characters won't be used in THIS story. You see, this story will take place in tha Kanto region. When Max goes to other regions, he'll meet up with other past characters.

Shadow: Orange Islands
Abad: Johto
James: Johto
Jason: Orre
Crash: Sinnoh
Emily: Make her main appearance in Hoenn
JC: Make his main appearance in Sinnoh
Jay: Main appearance in Orange Islands

These Regions are subject to change. Also, the magnitude of their "main character"-ness is subject to change.

A few new things to look forward to is that with every chapter or change of day, i will be putting a date. This story will be starting all the way back in 2000, when i was ten. it will go through Max's life year by year, each year ending with a League.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story!

Pokémon Max’s Story


My name is Maxamillion Shade IV, but for all intents and purposes, you can call me Max.
I’m ten years old, and I live in Pallet Town with my aunt, Delia Ketchum, and my younger cousin, Ash. My parents, Grant Shade and Lisa Pesos are divorced. My mom lives in the No Pokémon Zone with her husband, Chris Pesos. As for my dad, he works with the legendary Pokémon Celebi to fix things in the past that shouldn’t have happened.
Because my dad is on the move so much and my mom lives in that stupid NPZ, they decided I should live with Aunt Delia. This way, I could live a normal life and get educated by Professor Oak.
I’ve lived in Pallet since I was born, and when I was five I met Richard Spade, my best friend. We would go to the professor’s lab at least four times a week to see all the Pokémon. And when we went there the first time, we got to watch a Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle hatch from there eggs!
We eventually grew very close with them all, and Oak said he would not be giving them to trainers for another five years. So now, we are going to get our first Pokémon!
Rich has a little brother, John Christian Spade. He’s only five, and one day, will join us on our journey.
I have a friend in Hoenn named Emily. Her mom and my aunt are really good friends. Emily is four years younger than me, so I’ve known her for her entire life. She’ll be starting her journey in four years, and is completely obsessed with Torchic.
Anyways, enough of my babble, I gotta get going before I’m late!

Chapter One: The Journey Begins!

Date: 9/4/00

Max woke up. Today was the day! The day he would finally be able to call Charmander his Pokémon!
He got dressed and grabbed his PokéGear. Then, he grabbed his backpack which was filled with supplies and rushed out the door.
It was an amazingly beautiful day out. There were white clouds drifting through the clear blue sky as the sun warmed the earth. But, that was the least Max’s concerns today.
As he went outside, he saw his neighbor, Gary Oak, picking on Ash. Max walked up to him and stared yelling, “Get outta here ya little punk before I squash you like a Bug-Pokémon!”
Max cracked his neck ready to pound the kid and Gary ran away.
“Thanks, Max!” said his little cousin.
“Well,” said Max, “I won’t be around much longer to scare Gary for ya, so you need to learn how to stick up for yourself, Ash.”

Max walked down the dirt road to Oak’s laboratory. As he made a turn onto another road, so did Rich, who came from the other side.
“Alright!” said Rich, “This is going to be so awesome!”
“I know!” said Max, “But, if you take Squirtle and I take Charmander, who gets Bulbasaur? J.C. isn’t old enough, and he’s gotten really close with Bulbasaur…”
“Well, let’s just hope no one starts a journey for six years…”
Once they got to Oak’s laboratory, they walked inside and found the professor was waiting for them with three PokéBalls on a table.
“Welcome!” said Oak, “Are you boys ready for your journey?”
“Yes sir!” they exclaimed in unison.
“Alright, then you may pick any of the following.”
Oak let out all three starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur, a Grass/Poison-Type, Charmander, a Fire-Type, and Squirtle, a Water-Type.
Right away, Charmander ran to Max and Squirtle ran to Rich.
“Well,” said Oak with a laugh, “Looks like you boys don’t get a choice!”
“That’s alright!” said Rich.
“Yeah!” said Max, “We were going to pick these two anyways!”
Then, the door to the laboratory flung open, and a girl came rushing in, and exclaimed, “Tell me I’m not too late!”
“Ah,” said Oak, “April! Glad you could make it.”
“Tell me there is a Bulbasaur left, Professor!”
Then, from the back room, they heard a crashing noise.
“Kids,” said Oak, “Stay here.”
Oak took off his lab coat and revealed he had six PokéBalls on his belt. He grabbed the one closest to his front and said, “Go, Charizard!”
Oak and his Charizard went into the back room, and the kids followed to see what was happening.
Some guys in black uniforms with a red “R” on their shirts.
“Flamethrower!” yelled Oak.
Charizard released some intense flames that blasted the men through the window. With their clothes charred, they ran away.
“Wow professor!” exclaimed Rich, “That Charizard is strong!”
“Who were those guys?” asked Max.
“Team Rocket,” said Oak, “They are an evil organization who have been stealing Pokémon for years.”
Oak and the kids began picking things up. April picked up and egg. It suddenly began glowing, and she screamed.
“What?” asked Max.
“The egg is hatching!” exclaimed Rich.
As piece of the shell chipped away, a little green bulb popped out of the top. Then, out of the side came a Bulbasaur head!
“It’s so cute!” exclaimed April.
“Bulba!” exclaimed the baby Pokémon.
“Well,” said Oak, “If you’d like, you can have him.”
April helped the Bulbasaur out of his egg, and then Oak put him into a PokéBall for her.
Once everything was back in order around the lab, Oak gave the kids each a PokéDex.
As they walked out of the lab, Max said to Rich, “Where to?”
“I heard there is a gym in Viridian,” said Rich, “We can train and start our journey there!”
“Actually,” said April, who was coming up behind them, “The leader of the Viridian Gym has been missing for months. I live in Viridian, and no one has seen him.”
“That blows,” said Rich, “So now where do we go?”
“How about Pewter City? There is a gym there.”
“You sure seem to know your stuff,” said Max.
“Well, I come from a long line of coordinators. I’ve done a lot of traveling and sightseeing, so I know the cities pretty well.”
Well, no one needed to say anything, because it was obvious that April was coming along.

The newly formed gang took off to Route 1, which was north of Pallet Town and led to Viridian City. April had called ahead and talked to her mom about spending the night there when they got there, so that they’d be well rested for the trek through Viridian Forest.
They all explained their dreams and goals to each other.
Max and Rich both wanted to be the Champion, and train a powerful team to help them. April, however, wanted to train a team of Pokémon that could win contests.
But then, as they walked through the woods, they heard a noise. It sounded like something was running into something else very hard.
The gang ran in the direction of the noise, and found a strange tank of sort. This machine was bashing trees and slamming the ground. Wild Pokémon were running frantically, and being scooped up by other machines into large capture nets.
“What are they doing?” asked April.
“Look on the sides of the machines!” said Rich, “They have the same logo as Team Rocket!”
Upon inspection of Rich’s observation, Max and April confirmed it was indeed Team Rocket!
“Go, Charmander!” yelled Max.
“Max,” said April, “What are you doing?”
“We can’t just let them take the Pokémon!”
“Max is right!” agreed Rich, “Go Squirtle!”
“Bulbasaur, I choose you!” April called out.
“Charmander,” said Max, “Use Ember on the net to free the Pokémon!”
Tiny bursts of red flames flew out of Charmander’s mouth, but the net did not break!
“Let me try!” said Rich, “Squirtle, use Bubble!”
Tiny bubbles streamed for Squirtle’s mouth, but had just as much affect as Charmander’s Ember.
“Bullet Seed!” yelled April.
Max and Rich had both completed Trainer School, and knew that Bulbasaur didn’t know Bullet Seed this early. However, to their surprise, Bulbasaur began shooting bursts of solar energy from the tiny bulb on his back!
It cut the net, and several woodland Pokémon ran off into the woods.
Max and Rich were going to ask how she knew Bulbasaur knew that move, but they now had Team Rocket’s attention. Two people, one male with short orange hair and the other female with long green hair came out of the main machine.
“What is this?” asked the man.
“I’m not sure, Clyde,” said the woman, “Looks like some little kids are trying to save the day.”
“In that case, Bonnie, let’s show them their place! Go Magnemite!”
“I choose you, Voltorb!”
Max whipped out his PokéDex, and said, “They are both Electric-Types! Rich, be careful with Squirtle!”
“Right,” said Rich, “Squirtle, use Bubble!”
Before Squirtle could attack, Bonnie and Clyde yelled together, “Sonicboom!”
The attacks hit Charmander and Squirtle hard, and they were losing bad.
“Charmander!” yelled Max, “Use Ember!”
Charmander let lose his flames, and knocked Voltorb and Magnemite back.
Then, Max and Rich heard April scream! They turned around to see a Doduo taking April’s new Bulbasaur!
The Doduo ran to Bonnie and Clyde and delivered the baby Bulbasaur.
“Hey!” said Rich, “That is April’s Pokémon!”
“Squirtle squirt!”
“Not anymore,” said Clyde, “This little powerhouse is ours now!”
Bulbasaur began crying. He did not like that they took him away from April.
“Charmander!” yelled Max, “Use Scratch!”
Charmander rushed the opponents, and was about to scratch Voltorb, and then his fist began to glow.
“What move is that?” asked Max.
“It’s Metal Claw!” said Rich, “That’s a Steel-Type move!”
Charmander flung Voltorb into Bonnie, who was holding Bulbasaur. This caused her to send Bulbasaur flying through the air. Squirtle shot a Water Gun at the dirt, making a muddy path. He then began running, and, when he came up to speed, flipped over onto his back and began sliding across the path. He caught Bulbasaur, who was unharmed.
But now, Bulbasaur was angry. Suddenly, his bulb began to glow very bright.
“What’s he doing?” asked April.
“I think he’s using…” said Max, “…Solarbeam!”
An intense energy beam flowed out of his bulb and sent Bonnie and Clyde with their Pokémon flying off into the horizon.
They went to the second machine they hadn’t destroyed, and Rich pulled a knife out of his pack.
Careful not to hurt any Pokémon in the net, Rich cut holes in it, and it let the Pokémon out.
There was a long furry Pokémon who wasn’t moving, however. Max said, “Rich, hold the net open.”
Concerned, Rich opened the net and Max crawled in, and picked up the Pokémon. He got out of the net and put the Pokémon onto the ground. She was unconscious.
April had a strange look on her face, and Rich questioned, “April, what’s wrong?”
She pointed at Max’s hands, they were covered with blood! Max quickly rolled the Pokémon over, she had cuts from the net that had caused a lot of blood loss!
“We have to get to Viridian and fast!” said Max as he picked up the Pokémon and ran off.
April and Rich returned their Pokémon and April picked up Charmander. They ran closely behind Max, who had no intention of stopping.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Prologue and Chapter One in Post 8

Wow, 1st chapter, very very good! Congratulations on the new story, old friend. Apparently, if you're saying April is with them, it means, April and max knew each other? At the future (at the latest story)?
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Prologue and Chapter One in Post 8

Pay close attention to the last story, Jason, and you will see that Max is now living his life and meeting the same pokemon and people, but the way it should've been. April and MAx did not know each other in the last story, but in this one, you have to remember that this is a new timeline. So, in otherwords, Max and April are NOW going to be lifelong friends, but in the last Fic, they weren't....if you don't understand tempral paradoxes, it's really hard to explain -_-
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Prologue and Chapter One in Post 8

Chapter Two: New Pokémon on the Team!

Date: 9/5/00

Yesterday, Max had got the Pokémon to the Pokémon Center. The nurse had taken her into the operating room. She hadn’t been out since.
Rich and April had gone to April’s house for the night. Max, however, couldn’t find it in him to leave the Pokémon Center until he knew that Pokémon was alright.
The nurse finally came out, and Max said, “How is she?”
“She’ll be fine,” she replied, “And you should be very proud of yourself…much longer and she wouldn’t have made it.”
“My name is Joy.”
“Well then, Nurse Joy, what Pokémon was she? I’ve never seen any like her around hear before.”
“Well, that was a Furret. She’s a Normal-Type, and I’m not surprised you’ve never seen one. She is native to the Johto Region to the west of Kanto.”
They heard the front doors open, and Rich and April walked in. Joy said, “I’m going to go check up on Furret, she should be ready to leave soon,” and left.
Max explained what happened and what Pokémon Furret was.
“Wow,” said Rich, “It’s a good thing you rushed off yesterday.”
“Yeah,” said Max, “Furret almost bled out, or at least, that’s what Nurse Joy said.”
Then, the operating room doors opened, and Furret was walking out with Joy. She was walking rather slowly, but she was okay nonetheless.
She walked up to Max, who was happy to see she was okay. Max hadn’t noticed too much about the Pokémon, but now he got a closer look. She had rings of light and dark brown fur around her long body.
Max got down to pet the Pokémon, and she began to lick his face in gratitude.
“Looks like she’s taken a liking to you, Max,” said April.
“Yeah,” said Rich.
“Nurse Joy,” said Max, “Even though she is from the Johto Region, will she be able to adapt to Kanto?”
“Oh of course!” said Joy, “Pokémon are very adaptable. Actually, if you guys would like, you could take her to Viridian Forest. It’ll be a nice place for her to live.”
“Of course!” the trio agreed.

Max carried Furret in his backpack, leaving the top open so she could look around. They had to stop by April’s house first.
April’s mom met them outside, and said, “Hi, I’m Ms. Capri.”
“Hi,” said Max, “I’m Max.”
“So this is the Pokémon you rescued?”
Ms. Capri, who’s name is Kathy, went to pet the Pokémon.
“I’ve got some food all ready for you kids to take with you. It’s a long way to Pewter City.”
“Thanks mom,” said April.
The gang headed out to the north. They entered the forest. It was rather dark in there, very little sunlight made it through.
“Wow,” said Max, “I’ll bet there’s a ton of Bug-Types here!”
“BUG-TYPES?” April exclaimed.
“What?” said Rich, “There’s nothing wrong with them…they have some advantages in battle.”
“But they are gross!”
“One of these days I think I’ll catch a Bug-Type just to annoy you!”
April punched Rich in the arm.
Max took off his backpack and took out Furret.
“Well,” said Max, “Here you go…”
Furret stood there, and Max just walked away. He really like Furret, but it seemed like she’d be better off in the forest.
As they trekked through the forest, the little light there was began to diminish.
“Maybe we should set up camp for the night?” asked Max.
“Just a little bit more,” said Rich, who was looking at a map, “According to the map, there should be a clearing up hear.”
After several minutes of walking, the gang arrived at a clearing in the forest. Rich and Max took off their packs and got out their sleeping bags. April did the same, but also pulled out a tent.
“What’s with the tent?” asked Max.
“In case it rains,” said April.
“Whatever,” said Rich, “I’m gonna go find some firewood.”
“Alright,” said Max.
A few minutes later, Rich came back with a load of fire wood and his Squirtle was carrying some twigs for kindling.
Max and Rich set up the logs like they had learned in Trainer School and then Max sent out Charmander.
“Alright Charmander!” said Max, “Use Ember!”
Charmander shot tiny embers that lit the kindling on fire. Within a few minutes, they had a large and warm fire.
“So Rich,” said Max, “What’s for dinner?”
Rich rummaged through his pack to see what kind of food he’d brought from home.
“Hm…” said Rich, “I’ve got some pasta and a small block of cheese. I could make macaroni and cheese!”
“Alright!” said Max, “Sound good April?”
“Sure!” replied April.
“Alright,” said Rich, “Max, you got the pots?”
Max dug out a large pot from his pack. Max and Rich agreed that Max would carry the dishes and Rich would do the cooking…Rich was much better at that.
“Go Squirtle!” said Rich.
Squirtle filled the pot with water and Rich set it onto a small rack that Max had set up over the fire.

The sun was just about fully set and dinner was almost ready. The gang’s three Pokémon were out and they had set up six bowls; three bowls had water, and the other three were empty. Max got some PokéFood from Rich’s pack, and filled the bowls up.
Max figured since Bulbasaur was only a day old, he wouldn’t eat that much…He was wrong! Bulbasaur had a large appetite for such a tiny Pokémon.
“Well,” said Max, “Eat up little guy.”
“Dinner’s ready guys!” said Rich.
The gang gathered around the fire and ate their meals. They were talking about their dreams and aspirations, and weren’t paying too much attention to their Pokémon.
Meanwhile, their Pokémon were happily eating. Then, a Pichu came out of the woods. It came over to Bulbasaur, and tried to take his food!
Bulbasaur took a Vine Whip and smacked Pichu on the head. Pichu then released and Thundershock, which made a lot of noise.
“What the?” asked Max. The gang turned to see the little spat between the two Pokémon.
“Squirtle!” said Rich, “Bubble!”
He blasted the Pichu back and April ran over to get her Bulbasaur. Pichu was now mad. He turned to Squirtle and used another Thundershock.
“Withdraw!” yelled Rich.
Squirtle sucked his limbs, tail, and head into his shell. The attack did some damage, but not too much.
“Now use Rapid Spin!” ordered Rich.
Squirtle’s shell began spinning and slammed Pichu into a tree. This knocked the Pichu out, and Rich yelled, “PokéBall, go!”
Rich threw a PokéBall at Pichu. Pichu was sucked inside by a red beam of light, and then the ball fell to the ground. It wiggled around for a few seconds, and then made a noise indicated the PokéBall had made a successful capture.
“Alright!” said Rich, “I caught my first Pokémon!”
“Awesome!” said Max.
“You really did a number on him,” said April, “Here.”
She went into her pack and got out a Potion.
“Thanks,” said Rich, “Go Pichu!”
“Piiiiii…” Pichu groaned.
Rich spray the Potion onto Pichu, and within a few minutes Pichu was as good as new!
Pichu came up to Rich and sniffed him. He then smiled, assuring Rich that capturing him was a good idea.
“Alright,” said Max, “Let’s get to sleep. We’ll get to Pewter City tomorrow.”
“Alright,” said Rich and April in unison.

Date: 9/6/00

The gang had gotten up to a beautiful sunrise and packed up their gear. They thought it’d be nice to walk with all their Pokémon, so none of them were in their PokéBalls.
“Wow,” said Max, “I still can’t believe we’re going to have our first gym battle soon!”
“I know!” said Rich, “But Max, don’t take this the wrong way, but I heard Brock, the gym leader there, uses Rock-Types. Charmander’s at a big disadvantage.”
“Don’t worry! Charmander learned Metal Claw the other day. And, hopefully I’ll catch another Pokémon soon.”
“Yeah,” said April, “I wonder if you could find a Water- or Grass-Type before we hit Pewter.”
“I don’t care about types. There are too many trainers who catch Pokémon for type and power only. With the right training, even a Magikarp can beat any Pokémon.”
“That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” said someone from behind them. They turned around and April saw a boy a little older than her, and she yelled, “Jake!”
“I see you got your first Pokémon,” said Jake.
“Yeah, what’s it to you?”
“Oh, nothing, other than the fact that puny thing will never beat me and my Ivysaur in a contest.”
“Hey,” said Rich, “Why don’t you back off! Her Bulbasaur is only a few days old!”
“Doesn’t matter; she should’ve taken a more developed Bulbasaur, maybe it’d stand a chance.”
“You got some pretty strong words punk,” said Max, “But how about you and me have a Pokémon battle right now!”
“Fine, how many Pokémon? I have two Pokémon myself.”
“Use them both!”
“But Max,” said Rich, “You only have Charmander.”
“So? Charmander, you’re up to the challenge, right?”
“See? Alright Charmander, let’s go!”
“Go,” said Jake, “Ivysaur!”
“Max,” said April, “You don’t have to do this.”
“I know,” said Max, “But I want to. Besides, it’ll give me some practice battling before I face Brock later…Growl!”
Charmander let out an intimidating Growl attack that lowered Ivysaur’s attack strength.
“Use Bullet Seed Ivysaur!” said Jake.
Even though the attack wasn’t very effective, Ivysaur was much stronger than Charmander.
“Charmander, are you okay?” Max asked.
Charmander got to his feet, and replied, “Char-char-mander!”
“Alright! Hit him hard with Ember!”
Charmander turned up the heat. The flame on his tail flared up and he let lose a large amount of flames onto Ivysaur, and KOed it in one hit!
“Yeah Charmander!” said Max, “Come on? What else you got?”
“Hm,” said Jake, “Don’t get too cocky now. Go Seel!”
“Uh-oh,” said Max nervously.
“Oh no,” said April, “Seel’s a Water-Type, isn’t he?”
“That’s right!” said Jake.
“We’ll win!” said Max, “Scratch!”
Charmander ran up to Seel and raked his claw across his face.
“Ice Shard!” yelled Jake.
Seel released tons of sharp shards of ice that came flying at Charmander.
“Dodge them!” yelled Max.
Charmander couldn’t. They were coming at him too fast, and they ended up knocking him out.
“Charmander!” yelled Max.
“Looks like I wi-” said Jake, but he was cut off by a Thunderbolt that almost hit Seel!
“What was that?” asked Jake.
“FURRRRET!” yelled a Furret. It was the one from the day before! She had come to help out Max!
“Looks like your girly Pokémon has come to help you out!” said Jake with a laugh.
“Max,” said Rich, “That Furret used Thunderbolt, you can win this if Furret will agree to battle alongside you.”
“Furret?” asked Max, “You want to battle for me?”
“Furret!” she replied in agreement.
“Alright,” said Jake, “Enough talk; Seel, use Headbutt!”
Seel aimed the horn on his head at Furret, and Max flipped through his PokéDex, which scanned Furret for a list of the attacks she knew.
“Use Iron Tail!” yelled Max.
Furret’s tail began to glow and she slammed it into Seel, knocking him back.
“Lucky shot!” yelled Jake, “Seel, use Aurora Beam!”
Seel shot a multicolored beam of ice at Furret, and Max continued to look at her attack list, and said, “Use Flamethrower!”
Furret melted the ice and water was everywhere.
“Thunderbolt!” yelled Max.
Furret shocked the life right out of Seel, knocking him out.
“Return,” said Jake in disappointment, “You got lucky, Max. But I’m not a trainer, so this victory shouldn’t mean too much to you. As for you April, I’ll see you at the Cerulean Contest.”
Jake walked off.
“Wow Furret,” said Max, “You are really strong.”
“It’s amazing a wild Pokémon knew those kinds of attacks,” said Rich, “Most of those moves have to be taught by trainers to Pokémon.”
“May she has a trainer?” asked April.
“Is that true, Furret?” asked Max, “Do you have a trainer?”
Furret shook her head, but was sad when she did so.
“Did you have a trainer?” Max continued questioning.
Furret nodded. Her trainer must’ve released her for some reason.
“Well,” said Max as he pulled out a PokéBall, “Would you like to come along with me and my friends?”
Furret wasn’t sure, but when she saw the smile on Max’s face and sensed the sincerity in him, she poked the PokéBall and Max now had his second Pokémon.
“Wow,” said Rich, “I’ll bet with her and that Iron Tail, she’ll be able to help beat Brock!”
“Yeah!” said April, “It’s going to be an awesome match.”
“I hope so,” said Max.
The gang continued to walk. After about an hour or so, they reached a sign that read, “End of Viridian Forest. Pewter City 2 km ahead.”
Max and Rich looked at each other and then started running towards the city. April and the Pokémon followed close behind.

When they arrived at the city, it was about noon. They went to the Pokémon Center to heal their Pokémon.
After an hour, their Pokémon were in tiptop shape.
“Alright,” said April, “You guys are all set to battle with Brock!”
“I’m sorry,” said Joy, “But Brock is on a camping trip to Mount Moon right now.”
“What?” asked Rich.
“When will he be back?” asked Max.
“Tomorrow,” said Joy, “You kids can stay in the Pokémon Center for the night.”
“Thank you!” the trio said in unison.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

glad finally someone included furret into their writing
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

furroshi man said:
glad finally someone included furret into their writing

Then you'll love my Fics, cuz FURRET RULES!!!!!!! She ain't going nowhere for a very long time...like six or seven fics.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

Great Job Max! Very Awesome! I see some simalaritys here! Can't wait for the next chapter!
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

OMG. This is so cool, I really understand it, but I just thought it was the real past, the past when Max was still a Pokemon Master. :-O

About chapter 2:
Very Humorous :p, and I really knew that it was Furret he saved, and Furret had a owner, who might it be?
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

OMG Furret was bleeding!
Anwyays those were nice chapters.
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

Yes...Furret was bleeding...Why? Because that's realistic. There won't be too much blood and violence, after all, Max is only ten and Rich and April are only nine.

I'm going to my grandparents today, so I can't finish Chapter Three until later:(
RE: Pokémon Max's Story! Chapter Two in Post 11

Great! Nice start for the new one.
One thing: It's kinda like the show in some ways. If anyone reading this doesn't know what similarities I'm talking about, they probably shouldn't be on this forum...

Really good chapters anyway.