I Need Tips For Some Stuff

Mr. Random

Gravitating away from you...
I have a school spirit day tomorrow in which we dress in a wacky or funny way, and seeing as I have never really taken part in these kinds of things, I want to look like a freak. lol

We're not allowed to have any costumes, paint our faces, or have any props, and I have a pretty limited supply of stuff, so I need your help. As of now, I have a plaid shirt and jeans with a yellow tie, weird glasses that have reflective eyes sorta on them (it's hard to explain), and I'm gonna stick my hair up on one side and flatten it on the other (without gel D:).

I know it all sounds pretty feeble, but it'd be great if I can get some help. Any suggestions would be great.
If you have a Clown Nose, a funny tie and/or big goofy glasses, those could work.

dmaster out.

They look like these.

Btw, this is NOT me.
wear the glasses wear the shirt backwards and wear the tie like a head band freak style and talk and act like a moron all day. we need chris or sarah in here XD

Well, the day's over, so I don't really need your help. That is, unless I want to look like an idiot on a daily basis. XD

Just let the topic die, since we can't lock these things anymore.