DPPt/HGSS I need some baby pokemon

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Aspiring Trainer
hey I really need some lvl 1 pokemon

Charmander-outrage,dragon rush,
Dratini- Dragon rush
Trapinch-Quick Attack
Riolu-Blaze Kick,Cross Chop,

I am going to be trading legends for these pokemon so please help me get them!
I can get you the Charmander and Dratini with those moves, Give me 10 minutes.:)

I can also get you Riolu with Blaze kick but not cross chop.
I have a beldum and a
trapinch, but the trapinch has earthquake and bite instead of quik atk is that okay
Zac said:
I have a beldum and a
trapinch, but the trapinch has earthquake and bite instead of quik atk is that okay
Yes that is okay,

I can get you the Charmander and Dratini with those moves, Give me 10 minutes.
I can also get you Riolu with Blaze kick but not cross chop.

ok i'll take those 3

my friend code is 3910-6692-5875
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