I need help on Pikmin 2


Chino CHolo :] Contact Me on Aim
Im stuck on the last part where I have to defeat Louie I can't even hurt him, anyone who had beaten this game before could you tell me how to defeat Louie?
You don't really deafeat Louie, you defeat the Titan Dweevil (sp?). You have to defeat all of it's machinery, then go in for the final blow.

Anyways, when you start out, throw your Blue Pikmin, your Reds, your Purples, and your Whites all on top of the ledge. Keep all your Yellows with you when you head the the Titan. The reason for this is becuase you never know where the electric sparker things are going to go, and since you don't know, any other Pikmin than Yellow will get zapped in a second.

Now, when its using the Water Cannon, try to distract it with your Yellows; just run around close by it, and go nowhere near your other Pikmin. This is becuase it's Water Cannon has a very large range--large enough to hit your Pikmin back on the ledge. So try to get it to not hit them, but go after you. It's Water Cannon is probably it's most deadly attack.

When it's using its Flamethrower, it's a good idea to just run. Run run run. It uses the Flamethrower fast, and there's really no time to throw your Pikmin up onto various parts of the Titan.

When it pulls out its Electro-Shocker things, start chucking your Yellows up onto the closest part of the Titan. Your Yellows will not be effected by this, so this is your prime moment to attack. If you managed to bring some Ultra-Spicy Spray down there, then this a great time to use it. I'm not exactly sure if the Ultra-Bitter Spray has any effect on the Titan, but you could try. Call your Pikmin back when either it shakes them off, or it pulls out it's next deadly weapon.

Finally, when it brings out its Poison Gas thing, try to steer clear a little bit, while still throwing Yellows up at random places. Try to concentrate your throwing up at one part, though. The Poison thing is probably its least powerful attack, so there's less worrying here.

Now, just repeat this proccess until you destroy the Electro-Shocker thing. Once that is done, it is safe to retreat back to the ledge, and bring in any color of Pikmin you'd like in order to kill it. Just don't bring too many at a time, as if your whole pack gets inflicted by some sort of status (drowning, burning, etc.) and they all start to run around like crazy, it can be very hard to call them all back and maintain them without a lot of needless trouble.

Once you've knocked all of its parts off, it goes pale, and it's totally defenseless. Just chuck up Pikmin onto its belly area, and watch it fall. When you've defeated it, salvage all of its machine parts for a heaping amount of Pokos, and then have your Pikmin carry Louie to the ship. Thus ends the final battle.

Hope that helped!