Collecting I Found the Only Remaining Photo of My Stolen TCG Collection


< Awesome Guy
The image: file:///C:/Users/tende/Downloads/embedded_item1464039035211_by_kingofburgerking-da3nvbs.jpg

Someone stole this collection last year. It included my Jolteon Star and other rare cards.


But i'm glad I found this photo.
That's not how you post images on the internet, sweetheart. That link only applies to your own computer. Nobody else can see anything other than the fact that your profile on your computer is named "tende" and the image was taken by someone named 'King of Burger King'. In your post, you need to choose the 'upload a file' button, or host the image elsewhere and link to it here. Sorry to hear about your loss, though. Would you like to talk about how it happened?