How often do you buy your pokemon stuff off the internet?

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Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! :)
Hello fellow pokemon lovers! I need help making a big decision that will help me and maybe for some of you with pokemon buying. My dad is making websites where we can sell stuff with our own prices to the public. I get to make one myself, which means, I am most likely going to sell things that involve Pokemon. I need to know if any of you buy your pokemon collectibles off of the internet or in stores. Please! If you can help me out with this, I can probably guarrentee(<---SPELLING!) low prices on pokemon stuff. I am not advertising at this point so I hope this thread is legal. Anyways, please just answer in the poll and also answer this following question:

If I make my website, how low should I make the pokemon collectibles' price in the categories cards, figures, and games?

If you have any questions, please PM me.
In my opinion, you should make the collectibles just a little lower than their normal prices so you won't get ripped off...

I don't usually buy things off the internet. The only thing that I have bought on the internet is Pokemon Pearl. I don't think my parents would let me buy like the TCG or TFG...but I still sometimes go out to the store and buy it with my mom and stuff.
Hmm...okay. Would you buy if the prices were lower on my website than they were in the store?
I'm not personally a huge internet buyed and i have never bought anything of the internet involving pokemon. But that doesnt mean i wont in the future. IMO i think it all depends on what your selling? So what are you selling cards, action figures what?
bubba235 said:
Hmm...okay. Would you buy if the prices were lower on my website than they were in the store?

ye, we would, but you would loose money with every purchase >.>

It really depends who you are getting stocks form though. The standard price for a pack of tcg for example is 2.49 - 2.99. If your supplier was selling them for that amount, then why sell them cheaper....

In that case, it would seem you stocker sells them very cheap. Who is it, I may want to buy some.

personally I don't buy from the internet, when down the road they sell cards.
Well, here are a few things that are hot right now:
Magmorter SW
Charizard SW (a big card for collectors)
Blissey (goes for a lot)
Gallade SW
Time-Space Distortion
Any MT-up level X (espcially Gardy Lv.X).

I'd sell the Holo Rares for around 5-6 Dollers, Rares for 3-4 dollers, TSD for around 40 dollers, and Lv.X's for around 15-20 dollers. Don't specifically sell Uncommons for Commons. Have People E-mail you directly to ask and say they have to buy them in lots, since if it only costs .50, then you would loose money on shipping.
Thanks for the info, but I have that all covered. I just need to know if you would buy from me or not?
Are you selling whole packs that you buy wholesale or are you selling stuff that you already have and once its out its out. If theres a good deal i certainly would consider buying!
Nonono...I will be selling new things. You know, things that are not opened. I will probably be selling pokemon tcg, pokemon tfg, and pokemon games like D/P.
Alright thats good! The thing that i think will get people to buy is if you sell packs for cheaper then they are in store $3.99 and boxes cheaper and things like that. Also if you buy so many packs shipping is free ect. But you said you have that all figured out so i wont go on further! But yes like I said if theres a good deal im sure everyone will consider it!
Thanks! And we have just tryed to contact Pokemon USA, Inc., but because it is New Year's Day, we can't get a hold of them. Anyways, my website should be up soon and I will have everything from cards, to figures, to games.
Ok. I might not have it for a while. I have to get my e-mail back from the Pokemon company soo...I am stiiiilllllll waiting...
uh well i would say if you are getting the packs around 3 bucks then sell them for 3.50 , but i never buy pokemon stuff online so yeah ,and why is pokemon.com down?[i can't access it]
I am not completely sure. I have just been going to go-pokemon.com. ANYWAYS! Would you buy off my website if the packs were cheaper than anywhere else?
Yeah! I know. I meant I HAVE been going to go-pokemon.com instead of pokemon.com.
I kind of like this idea, but I personally don't buy much off of the internet (although I wouldn't have to buy off of the internet from you anyway, because we go to school together and yeah), so...yeah.