Collecting How to Price Pokémon Cards


Aspiring Trainer

I've seen various online Communities, Forums, Subreddits and Discord Servers often plagued by the same recurring issues; people asking for free appraisals of their cards. I wanted to create a video tutorial/guide to help walk people through how to price their own cards so they don't need to ask. Being able to research prices is an invaluable tool regardless of whether you're a player of the physical card game or a collector.

I felt like having a video guide would be more intuitive than just being told "Go look on Ebay or TCGPlayer.", provide multiple different sources for people to cross reference prices as well as why I use and enjoy specific websites and what they have to offer. I felt like it could also benefit the younger audience who are developing an interest in collecting as the next video planned in the series is how to hunt for deals and where to look for them and how to make purchases safely.

Any feedback you guys can provide is greatly appreciated as this is my first video of this type and feel free to leave me any questions here or on Youtube, I'll be happy to answer them.

Edit: Also if anyone knows the ideal size for thread thumbnails that would be really helpful for creating accurate, not obnoxiously large thread thumbnails XD
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