How do you make a website? PLEASE DON'T IGNORE!!!

King Deoxazard

Go...! Wait what is that?! A LegoBall?!
I've been serching on google but it never has the right stuff. I know some people have made one and I wan't to know ho to make one, and mods, once when I make a website, I promiss I will only advertise it in my sig.
homeofmew said:
use Yahoo Geocities.
This is what I would recommend.

Something you might want to see is this:
Ok, let me tell you how do you make whole web site and more or less all the options. BTW: I have done web site for my father (it's Slovene, but you can see - )

1. You need design, which is the hardest work. You need all the pictures and stuff. And... you have to put them together and make links where you want them and all designer stuff. For that you need some program (Front page is Microsofts one and it suck, while over 90% people use Dreamweaver (now Adobe's, before Macromedia's) it's really cool, but pretty hard)
2. You need server. That is computer that is turned on ALL the time. You need some programs to make server, so mostly (almost everyone) people are hosting their pages on other servers. There you have two options:
-Free which is (all of the servers above that post are free (freewebs, geocities,....)) bad. You can't have really good site on free server, because-you can't have your own domain-they don't give you enough space t put many pics and stuff on-you usually can't upload the files you made in Dreamweaver!!!
-REALLY expensive one (all servers are expensive). They go from $5 per month on (maybe there are cheaper as well, but they suck). And you can have all things that I counted above.
3.(LOOK THAT IF YOU CHOOSE THE EXPENSIVE OPTION) You have to buy domain which is really cheap (.com is $10/year I think). Now... what is domain? Domain is URL (let's say). If you host your page on free server you'll ALWAYS have, but if you have your own domain it'll be only

That's all. You'll only have to upload what you made in Dreamweaver on your server (never done that before, just watched my father doin' it --- really easy)

:F Give credit if you make on (JK)
