How do you do illustrations?

Ice Pokemon Master

The Amazing Race/Heroes>You
Is there a tutorial on illustrations, so someone else can read them and "draw" Pokemons. Does anyone know about this? Nin jr? DarkCrow?

P.S. Where can you get Special Energy Card Blanks?
I didn't really use a turtorial for drawing the pictures. But I use Photoshop, and a tablet, so everything I draw shows inmediately on the computer. If you have one (you don't need the best ones there are like Wacom, mine is a Trust one) it's pretty easy to make them, if you have drawing skills, ofcourse. I would suggest to try on paper first, using simple pencils. Maybe scan them, so you can show them to others and they can tell you what to improve on. If you've done that, and you think you're good enough, buy a tablet *or ask your parents to get you one* and than I can help you further on. If you just want to colour the pictures you made with paper and pencil, you don't really need a tablet, but colouring with the mouse is really hard. I hope this helped you. If you need any more information, tell me.

Btw, I don't know where to find Special Energy blanks. I'm sorry.
Well, my drawing sucks, I don't have a scanner and I draw bad Pokemon, if I can show you my example you would laugh :):D!
Well if you start drawing now, and practise a lot, I'm sure you will become a great artist. I know someone who started when he was 13, and he's 19 now and one of the best artists of Europe .. If you like drawing Pokemon, and you wanna become good, you can, believe me :)