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Houndoom UD, Giratina lv X


Aspiring Trainer
1-1 Giratina Lv.X
4-4 : Houndoom, UD-5
2-2 : Weavile, UD-25
2-2 : Slowking, GS-12

Trainers: 14
2 warp points
1 : Level Max, PL-107
3 : VS Seeker, SV-140
4 : PlusPower, UL-80
4 : Super Scoop Up, UL-83
Pokemon Tools: 2
2 : Expert Belt, AR-87
Supporters: 12
4 : Bebe's Search, RR-89
4 : Team Rocket's Trickery, UD-78
4 : Seeker, TM-88
Stadiums: 2
2 : Broken Time-Space, PL-104

1 warp energy
4 : Darkness Energy (sp), UD-79
7 : Darkness Energy, DP-129

this deck is made to make them mad by discarding their cards and a hopefull secound turn donk with plus/expert/darkenergy and the hounds. slowking and giritina are in for techs, but like the ditto i dont know what to put in. .

the deck should discard 2 or more per turn while putting in average damage 50+belt+2specialdark = 90 and some pluspower for on the spot math.

i like the seeker weavile bts, combo to destroy their weekspot (usually energy or basics) anyways any changes, ideas?

[edit, -ditto +warp]
RE: discarder

I would say take out the ditto for 1 warp point/switch, or warp energy. So you can get giratina out easier if you fail on the level max.

i run this like..

25 Pokemon

3-3 Houndoom
2-2 Weavile
2-2 Slowking
2-2 Giritina lv X
2 Sableye
2 Jirachi RR
1 Unown q

TSS 23

3 Collector
3 Bebe
4 Seeker
3 Team Rocket Trickery
2 Judge
2 Cyrus Init.
2 Vs Seeker
1 Palmer

Energy 12
6 Dark
4 SP Dark
2 Warp