Ruling Houndoom GE Questions


Peach is staring into your soul
Houndoom GE's Second Attack States:
[r][c] Dark Fire 40
You may discard either a [r] or [d] energy attached to houndoom. If you discard a [r] energy, the defending pokemon is burned. If you discard a [d] energy, this attack does 40 damage plus 30 more.

So, If I have a DRE attached to Houndoom, and I discard it, do I choose what it will count as, or will it activate both effects?

Second Question:
[r][c] Dark Fire 40
You may discard either a [r] or [d] energy attached to houndoom. If you discard a [r] energy, the defending pokemon is burned. If you discard a [d] energy, this attack does 40 damage plus 30 more.

If I have 1 Special Dark Energy attached to Houndoom, and I discard it with Dark Fire, will I get the added Darkness Energy effect (Ie, Discard and do 70 since I no longer have a Darkness Energy, or Discard and do 80 because the Darkness Energy is applied before the discard)
abaxter94 said:
So, If I have a DRE attached to Houndoom, and I discard it, do I choose what it will count as, or will it activate both effects?

Deleted this part because I'm wrong -- see my other reply.

abaxter94 said:
If I have 1 Special Dark Energy attached to Houndoom, and I discard it with Dark Fire, will I get the added Darkness Energy effect (Ie, Discard and do 70 since I no longer have a Darkness Energy, or Discard and do 80 because the Darkness Energy is applied before the discard)

The discard occurs after the damage is done (remember, damage first, then any other effects of the attack). It would do 80.
1) I would say yes. Even though it says or you meet both requirements and should get both benefits. Now if it is says fire energy card or darkness energy card thats different.
2) There was similar text on another houndoom that stated that you add the damage for the darkness so I assume so here as well.
Well, I got a definite answer on this. Papi got it right.

bulbasnore said:
Yep, both effects trigger (burn & extra damage) from discarding, say, Multi Energy. It _is_ in [the pre-release rulings FAQ sent to the PTOs], but compare the Compendium EX rulings on Dragon Burst & Ancient Mantra for precedent. Interesting that Dragon Burst was an overrule of a prior, opposite ruling.

So yes, discarding a Multi gets you both effects. This one surprised me, personally.
Well. That's suprising.
Well, I now will be running more multi-typed energies in Houndoom.
I'm confused about the multi-energy statements. Are you guys saying a double rainbow energy only or are you saying a double rainbow energy AND a multi-energy?
No. We mean any thing that can provide more than one energy at a time. That can anything from Holon's Castform to Double Rainbow Energy to Multi Energy.