Hobart Battle Road, WIN =D


It's Blissey Time
Hi all, I played Palkia Chomp for the first of my 2 Battle Roads. Here's my Report.

So I get up around 6, since I couldn't sleep and watched Bleach on YouTube for a few hours then remembered that BR's were on at 10, so I had to go wake up my parents early then headed off.

I got there around 10:15 and was surprized at the low turn out, around 8 seniors, 11 masters and 1 Junior. So the Seniors have 3 rounds and no top cut.

Round 1 Me, PalkiaChomp vs Riley, Blazekin/Hetran/ERL
G.1, This game was pretty short, I get a Chomp start and begin to snipe his torchics and he drops ERL and Thunder Falls, but he forgets that it also hurts him so I take 3 prizes while he takes 2 then I Posion Revenge for the KO on ERL for my last 2 prizes.
G.2, This game was probably the most stressful. I get another Chomp start. We both get good starts, but I forget the start of the game, He then gets out a Blazekin (with a Bit of damage)+Hetran X+ninetails+ERL, agianst my G-chomp X,Palkia X, and a few Pixies, but I have a bat and PromoCroak in my hand ready for the thunder fall, since he would KO a few of his Poke's then I would flash bite his Ninetails for the KO + Posion Revenge on his ERL FTW, but he drops judge and then thunder falls, I was shattered my whole plan was ruined and I couldn't recover since I only drew a water a Poketurn and 2 Power sprays, so It comes down to G-chomp vs Belted Blazekin, he clutchs for 60 but I needed to retreat so I could bring out palkia,but I cant so he wins the round.
G.3, Time is call while we are still shuffling so I goes to Sudden death. I get another Chomp start + a mesprit and a collector, I go first and drop a DCE and Claw swipe his lone Torchic, but I forget to drop my Mesprit so he drops a hetran and uxies for a few and ends. I then Collector for 3 Crobats G.G
1-0 GG Riley it was a great game and a great way to start the Tourny.

Lunch Break, all most the whole tourny goes to KFC, we eat, and bag out a guy on the T.V who thinks he can dance in a music video it was so funny. we talk about our decks espically my friends Snorelax deck, which he was running for a joke.

Round 2. Me, Palkia Chomp v.s Random with Random deck
G.1 I sweep with Palkia and Chomp
G.2 same as Game 1, but I let him KO my Palkia X so I can bring out my Drifblim so I can Take Away his last active :D, hehe I'm mean

Round 3. Me Palkia Chomp v.s Kia, SP Tool Box.
I was really worried about this deck since he was running Mew2+Lux X which complettly clobers my deck. We also find out that we are the only people to go 2-0 in Seniors so this game is for 1st place and the Victory Medal.

G.1, I get anothe Chomp start and by T.2 I'm sniping all his bench until he's able to get out Mew2 and my Azelf and Drifloom are prized but I snipe 1 of his bench Lux and draw Drifloom (Shiny). He belts his Mew2 so I can't 1HKO his Mew2, but I double Flash bit then Ballon tackle for the 2 prizes then Sweep the rest of his bench with Chomps.

G.2 We Realized that our game had taken 20 mins so we have 10 mins left. I get another Chomp start, I snipe his bench but he gets out a mew2 and my drifloom line is prized and I can't get it out, we waste a few mins with Kia only being able to Hypnoblast me with his Mew2, I got about 7 heads and only 1 tails. Time is called and he is only taken 1 prize due to an energy drought and I win since the game is incomplette and I win the 1st game.
3-0 great game Kia probably the hardest.

So I win Seniors and get the Victory Medal + 4 packs and pull another Espeon Prime.

Winning + New Victory Medal
Sean and his snorelax deck
Sean's secret Magicarp tech =)
Prizes on the Day
Great games with friends
Almost everyone going to KFC for Lunch, Everyone came except fot two brothers in Jouners and Seniors

sticky slips when deck cheching got me worried when Sam only couned 58.since 2 slips were stuck together,