Wi-Fi Trades Hiro's player thread


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My Info
My FC:3437 0087 8751

Pokemon for trade
EV'd pokemon
Lucairo lv.100 Adamant nature
Gallade (shiny) lv.100 Jolly nature
Donphan lv.100 Relaxed nature
Charizard lv.100 Timid nature
Scizor (shiny) lv.100 Adamant nature
Rhyperior (shiny) lv.100 Adamant nature

Shiny Pokemon
Evee lv.34 Serious nature
Entei lv.100 Bold nature
Palkia lv.100 Hardy nature
Groundon lv.100 Docile nature
Lugia lv.100 Quirky nature
Mewtwo lv.100 Serious nature
Onyx lv.46 Hasty nature
Cahrizard lv.100 Mild nature
Flygon lv.100 Brave nature
Suicune lv.100 Jolly nature
Squirtle lv.5 Naughty nature
Bagon lv.27 Serious nature
Metagross lv.50 Docile nature
Staravia lv.16 Serious
Golem lv.100 Lax nature
Leafeon lv.49 Lax nature
Umbreon lv.81 Serious nature
Mew lv.100 Gentle nature
Electrode lv.30 Quirky nature
Salamence lv.60 Serious nature
Dustox lv.33 Calm nature
Magomortar lv.100 Serious nature
Houndoom lv.44 Quiet nature
Espeon lv.100 Lonely nature
Sceptile lv.38 Timid nature
Exploud lv.40 Naive nature
Shuppet lv.29 Quirky nature
Beautifly Impish nature
Ditto lv.100 lax nature

Event pokemon
10 aniv.Charizard and Celebi and Lugia
event Jirachi
OT:Aura Mew untouched

I have all TMs and alot of items so just ask
I can also get you about any pokemon so ask me even if not listed :D
My Wants
I'm looking for EV'd pokes
well I got every pokemon so unless you got a Darkrai (not hacked) there is no deal sorry :(
I'll give you a legendary!

Because Hiro has already stated that there is nothing he would like from you, this post will be considered spam. Please do not spam. Thank you.