'Hidden Fates Ultra-Premium Collection' Product Image!

Seemed to coincide with the Porygon-Z boxes showing up on shelves there too so maybe they all came together in their shipments. Fingers crossed!
No luck on tins, sadly. Checked both targets in my area (Checked for 8-bit Link amiibo too and they didn't have that either, a nice double whammy), but eh it's okay. I'll find something eventually hopefully. Or maybe not, who knows really. If all else fails I'll just buy the set with singles. I have the Zard anyways so that's the hardest part out of the way, lol.
No luck on tins, sadly. Checked both targets in my area (Checked for 8-bit Link amiibo too and they didn't have that either, a nice double whammy), but eh it's okay. I'll find something eventually hopefully. Or maybe not, who knows really. If all else fails I'll just buy the set with singles. I have the Zard anyways so that's the hardest part out of the way, lol.
Yeah, not as fun, but you're probably better off. I'd start by buying some lots on ebay of the non-GX SV cards, then singles. There are whole complete lots of the HF, main set cards to be had too for reasonable amounts.