HGSS on Reshiram/Emboar counter?


Aspiring Trainer
I've been running a scizor prime deck but considering my main attacker has a 2x weakness to fire and reshiram often doesn't have special energies attached to it, I find it is a hard match up for me. I was wondering if someone can give me a useful tech I can put into my deck to counter fire decks in the upcoming format?
One option is always Zoroark BW and PlusPower. It still gets OHKO'd right back, but it's better than trying to launch Scizor Primes at Reshi. Also, maybe tech in some Rainbow/Water energy and run Tsunbear from B&W collection when it comes out? For a water and 2 colorless it does 50 damage (100 to fire-type) and prevents them from attacking next turn. For Reshiram who has 2 retreat, that's a kiss of death.
Play judges and reversals

Judge keeps energy and energy getting/retreival cards out of their hand.

Reversal - so you can kill ninetales to cut off their draw power.

Even than you need luck.
@ piplup I love the avatar.
On topic. ATM zoroark is one of the best counters for a scizor deck. Or run a reshiram/zekrom yourself? Not much you can do.
Tyranodon said:
What line of Zoroark should I play if I bring it in 1-1 or 2-2?

I would not bother with Zoroark at all. ReshiBoar has better recovery and sets up and revenge KOs your Zoroark anyway. If you want to beat ReshiBoar, then find a way to take out Ninetales/Emboar. It is the only way.
You can still tech in a 1-1 zoroark. And add 2-4 Pokemon reversal(or catcher if we get it) to be able to take out emboar.
or if you have rare candies in your deck then you could run a 1-0-1 samurott w/ ability. or add reshiram/zekrom to outrage counter against blue flare
Reversals are a good counter, bringing up Emboar and whatnot, Judge could help too. It is going to be hard to get the win, even with various counters, it might be worth a shot to test Ampharos Prime with it. IDK though, might mess with the consistency.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Reversals are a good counter, bringing up Emboar and whatnot, Judge could help too. It is going to be hard to get the win, even with various counters, it might be worth a shot to test Ampharos Prime with it. IDK though, might mess with the consistency.
It does quite a bit sadly :/. I teched in an amphy prime into my reshiboar deck and a few others such as donphan and it hurts more than it helps. In my testing especially against Reshiboar 9/10 they will have either ninetaled or emboar up before your amphy gets up. :/
As I don't feel like teching in Zoroark as it takes too much space in my deck (DCE, pokemon and plus power), I was wondering is Ampharos my only other bet? I was wondering if anyone knows of a card that is basic/stage 1 that can OHKO Reshiram and uses colourless energy? This would be ideal but if not I'll just bring in some pokemon reversals to take out the Emboars and Ninetales.
yeah after playtesting (and going to battle roads with it....ouch) ampharos doesn't work very well at all. out of both battle roads I've attended so far, I've only gotten ampharos out twice. and both times it was when I had two prize cards left and my opponent had 4 or 5....they weren't the better players at the tournament so I had time.

try lanturn prime. it's a stage 1 that only needs one lightning and a DCE, and it can be two types. that's the best stage 1 I can think of other than zoroark....maybe tentacruel, but that would be harder IMO. the only two basics I can think of are reshiram or zekrom as I said earlier, but those are a tad hard...they can outrage 20 to you then turn 2 blue flare for KO...you could only do 40 to them, wasting a pokemon.
Much moreso than Typhlosion based builds, Reshiboar is HOSED by hand disruption, especially Judge, though Slowking can apply pressure as well. An early Judge can mess up just about any deck, but Reshiboar's constant need for energy and recovery cards means Judging them at any point will likely trash their tempo completely.
agreed. coming from a reshiboar user, the three things that give me the most trouble are: vileplume, judge and gyarados. the latter will be leaving for HGSS-on. vileplume will lose it's danger when gengar sf leaves. so the only one left is judge.

also zoroark with a special dark or plus power....unless, of course, I have another reshiram on the bench to just take it out next turn.
Getting judged is the worse. Especially late in the game when a lot of the energies are in the discard and we are timing our energy recoveries in our hand. Not a perfect counter though because if you draw into any energies at all Ninetales starts back up. Although not out yet Ive found Beartic to be quite annoying when i play reshiboar.

Edit~ Also on Kitty's point an early slowking is amazingly effective against Reshiboar especially if you can get him up before they get up ninetales.
catutie said:
blastgatr....enough said

Unfortunately Blastgatr isnt an end all counter to Reshiram for four reasons.
Blastoise can only snipe out the ninetales in one turn and most people Ive tested against run 2-3 on their bench. Sure you could target the emboar but thatd take two turns and you will more than likely lose two blastoises during that time via pluspower. Secondly most ReshiBoar run RDL which cant be one shot by blastoise but can definitely OHKO it. Thirdly Blastoise takes longer to re set up on a knockout whereas Reshiram with pluspower or RDL is fairly easier especially with ninetales on the bench. (unless you targeted emboar in which they would still have ninetales and they just dump energies where they needed to go before emboar was taken out.). Also the secret rare pikachu from black and white is a fairly powerful counter to blastoise especially in decks that run RDL. Electric and two colorless for 80 and its a basic. Blastgatr may be unfavorable but its not a direct instant loss for ReshiBoar by any means.


just snipe the active reshiram till they have none in play. then snipe the ninetails then snipe what ever you want...i have a 100% win rate against reshiram with blastgatr...

and i dont see why its so hard to reset after a blastoise is gone, i always have a second blastiose ready and even if not i have a wartortle with a blastiose in hand