Help Help With Pricing Cards.


Aspiring Trainer
So I've decided to sell some cards from EX, FA, EX FA, SECRETS, GX, to HYPER.

My problem is I don't know what I should price each card at. I understand cards go up and down however, is their a reliable place where I can source my pricing other than Ebay/Amazon?

Thank you in advanced!
My problem is I don't know what I should price each card at. I understand cards go up and down however, is their a reliable place where I can source my pricing other than Ebay/Amazon?

I would check Troll & Toad/Amazon for a good impression, however any card selling shop can be used as a guideline. If the cards your selling are booster fresh that ups the price also. Good luck!
So I've decided to sell some cards from EX, FA, EX FA, SECRETS, GX, to HYPER.

My problem is I don't know what I should price each card at. I understand cards go up and down however, is their a reliable place where I can source my pricing other than Ebay/Amazon?

Thank you in advanced!

Hi, I can check some card values either in EUR or in USD if you like. It also depends where you live, 'cause prices might be different as some products did not release in one place (or in a smaller number). For USA, you can check if you want, but you can take an average of both shops (like t&t) and players/collectors (TCGplayer, eBay and stuff like that). For Europe, I'd check both trollandtoad and on the stuff that's not region-exclusive. If it is region exclusive, you can just take the average selling price off cardmarket. If you need any help or want a price check on some cards, feel free to PM me :)
Thank you guys! I will use trollandtoad as my best reference. I'm actually from canada so I'm going to have convert their prices from USD to CAD.

Thank you guys for the information!