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Standard Help needed with Sceptile EX/Ariados Deck

Jack Saunders

Aspiring Trainer
Just kinda threw this deck together how can I improve?

Deck List:
3xSceptile EX

2prof. Sycamore
1Prof. Birch's Ob.
1Pkm Center Lady
2VS Seeker
4ultra balls
3 level balls
2fighting fury belt
2Escape rope
3profs letter
2 energy retrieval
1 Energy Recycler
1 max Elixir
1 Evosoda
1 Paint Roller
1 Trainers' Mail

9 Grass Energy

I know it's bad but I would like to improve it and I don't know all the cards that could well with it. Any help is appreciated
Well, first of all, whenever you lista Pokemon, you should list their set along with them so we can help you with your deck more. Otherwise, we won't know which variant of a card you are referring to. But not knowing what exactly the Pokemon are, I'll talk about the trainers.

So, your trainer lineup is sloppy, and inconsistent. You play too many one-ofs to make any real use of them. You also play some really bad trainers that are basically unplayed because of what little their effect does to affect the game either in general, or just compared to other cards. These cards would be:

Professor Birch
Poke Ball
Energy Retrieval
Energy Recycler
Paint Roller

These are cards that should be cut altogether from just about any deck. There's what we call an engine, which sort of just makes decks function consistently, and at their strongest. The engine that would be used for this deck would be:

4 Sycamore
3 N
2 Lysandre
1 Hex Maniac
1 Olympia
1 Kukui
4 Forest of Giant Plants
3 Choice Band (Fighting Fury belt is no longer safe to play because of high counts of Field Blower in almost every deck)
1-2 Float Stone
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Max Elixir
2 Trainers' Mail
2 Field Blower
1 Super Rod
1 Revitalizer

It's okay to have one-ofs, as long as they
A. Have a purpose
B. You don't play more than a few

That's all I have to say for now. If you want, I can give you one of my lists.