Hamachi trouble!


I know gliscor's future :P
Hey guys,lately i've seen many people online ,but when i message them,they dont reply,so when i saw soulseeker online i sent him a message.
The funny thing is:he wasnt online at the time,but still received my message when he logged in later......anyone have similar problems??
It doesn't, when they are online the circle with 3 dots is blue, and when they aren't the circle is gray.
What happens is, if the people are on line, it will say in grey "Soulseeker is not online", then she will recieve the message when she is. It will appear green if they are. If these are your conditions, you are fine.
No i get the green ones saying they are online.....thats the problem
TDA said:
Hey guys,lately i've seen many people online ,but when i message them,they don't reply,so when i saw soulseeker online i sent him a message.
The funny thing is:he wasnt online at the time,but still received my message when he logged in later...anyone have similar problems?

Come on , they have that in all messenger systems . When you send an offline message , they see it when they come online .