Halo 3 ODST

What do you think of Halo 3 ODST?

  • It's gonna be terrible!

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I'm just wondering, what's the difference between it and halo 3?
Well I've been looking it up and doing some research and I think it has a new story ine if I'm not mistaken.
It has:
new storymode
and firefight (sort of like nazi zommbies)

I dont own a 360, or halo 3, but If I were you, I wouldnt get it. Its JUST an expansion, and it SIXTY BUCKS!
I hate microsoft. NINTENDO AND MAC FOREVER!!!
safariblade said:
It has:
new storymode
and firefight (sort of like nazi zommbies)

I don't own a 360, or halo 3, but If I were you, I wouldnt get it. Its JUST an expansion, and it SIXTY BUCKS!

Well, this is a new game entirely. The story takes place in between Halo 2 and 3. You are an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper) and land on a planet, separated from your team. Your goal is to find them.
I would get it. I don't have a 360 or any gen 4 (is it 4) system, but.... Just saying...
Don't hate Microsoft, I think the 360 is the best thing Microsoft has done. Although I am a diehard Mac-guy.;)
well its a whole new Story Mode that is added to the halo 3 game.
But its not a whole new game. AND THERE ARENT EVEN ANY BATTLE RIFLES!!! >__<
safariblade said:
well its a whole new Story Mode that is added to the halo 3 game.
But its not a whole new game. AND THERE ARENT EVEN ANY BATTLE RIFLES!!! >__<
Who needs the BR when you can headshot with the pistol?
Pokefan4000 said:
Who needs the BR when you can headshot with the pistol?

Word up. Also it still has Carbines. And those are better anyways lol... Firefight gets boringish.... but the Campaign is way more different than the Halo 3 one. Game mechanics are different, including health system and movement. Everything is more strategic so you can't, and I quote from an XBL friend "Run into the fight like Master Chief on PCP." Makes it more fun. There is actually a story too, unlike Halo 3 where I thought it was extremely lacking in that department.

And at the price: It cost 60 bucks because its the Campaign AND the Halo 3 Multiplayer with all of the maps. That's 12(?) new maps. 4 map packs. At $10 a map pack that's $40 dollars for just that. Then Halo 3 was 60 dollars. Half campaign half multiplayer. So that's $30 more dollars. Then the ODST campaign is probably a 20 dollar add-on. So total the game should probably cost about.... $90. You technically save $30. Granted people that payed $30 for the map packs and $60 for Halo 3, you get screwed over. But it actually IS a good deal.
Pokefan4000 said:
Who needs the BR when you can headshot with the pistol?

Yeah, they brought back the pistol from the original Halo game.

They also added a scope to the SMG, and silenced it and the pistol, which I find a nice touch. I'm gonna get it on the weekend, and none of you are going to stop me! Muahahahahahaha!
Mr. Random said:
Yeah, they brought back the pistol from the original Halo game.

Contrary to popular belief that's not true... The pistol is just as weak but it shoots a lot faster and is silenced. That's the only difference between Halo 3 pistol and ODST pistol
I liked it a lot. It take more "skill" to beat it. Legendary mode is a PAIN.

Your not the master cheif this time, therefore you have no energy sheilding. No fancy armor or anything.

The story line is very differnt. Much better too.

You play as the Rookie. He finds clues if you will of his allies that crashed and then we get to play each persons "story" of what happened.

Yes, the Pistol is back and very cool. As is a silent SMG. This and that...

My ONLY complaint is that the game is kinda short. Hard, but short.
Mr. Random said:
How's Firefight?

FUN. But it gets really hard. The longer you survive, the more Skulls that activate AND the harder the enemys are. HUNTERS!!!! OMG. THey are not fun. That and Jackels with Beam Riffles. But I really hate the Burtes with the Grav Hammers.

Im not some master/expert gamer or anything but I feel safe to say that getting Untouchable meddle x2 is pretty good.
Untouchable=50 kills without dieing.
I also got a "5 Kills withing a few seconds of each other" meddle.
And sooner or later, they'll activate all the skulls, and everything just gets crazy. :p

The only part I don't like about the game is that there's nothing else besides the campaign and Firefight. Maybe if they added forge and matchmaking, and thing could be better.
Mr. Random said:
And sooner or later, they'll activate all the skulls, and everything just gets crazy. :p

The only part I don't like about the game is that there's nothing else besides the campaign and Firefight. Maybe if they added forge and matchmaking, and thing could be better.

Bleh... Matchmaking as in PvP would be depressing... People would be sprinting for health constantly. Or camping its spawn. Or if there was a Firefight lobby, you'd get stuck with kids who sucked constantly. It would be saddening. (Like Gears 2 Horde lobby -_-). Forge would be... worthless since there is no multiplayer. You can't really make a Forge Firefight map because spawns would be messed up and etc. Plus all the levels don't really have anything deletable on them so it would be like just throwing in better weapons and random crates... Its awesome how it is and if you need Forge and Multiplayer, it comes with it.
Got the game today. Epicness defined. I spent lots of time playing it yesterday, and tried Firefight today. I lasted 2 rounds! :D
Should i trade in my WII and every thing haveing to
do with it so i can get an xbox pro halo 3 and some other games?
I really liked playing this game at one of my friends' houses. I don't have an XBox 360, unfortunately, but ODST is still awesome. I agree that it should have forge, though...
I always get my neighbours to play it, because I'm lazy. They can't do the campaign on single player though; they are used to the difficulty of Halo 3, and because this game is harder, they aren't used to it, so they always have to do co-op and need to finish up the mission before leaving... And as you can imagine, they take forever to do one mission.