

Aspiring Trainer
Is there a way these two could work?
Locking powers and trainers would be so nasty.
The only problem would be damage output and MAYBE recovery.
Maybe, you could play it with gengar sf as a back up attacker and mesprit la to keep the lock going if necessary. But honestly the lack of; hp, damage and speed hurts too much. Also the 2 retreat cost kills the card. I think it could only work for leagues.
Actually, you could just use it's second attack. So early game power lock with the attack and Mesprit for late game. IDK about Vileplume though, negates your use of SSU, but you could always use that, 4 BTS and Hunter. Or just Hunter the mesprit -.-
Well I would use bts, trainers for fast set up, and warp energy/hunter.

So an ideal set up would be t1 call, t2 bts and try to get out grumpig and gloom, use up all of my trainers in hand, then evolve to vileplume, psychic lock.

Also, as a more abstract strategy, I could attempt to bench shield gloom, so sp would have literally no way to get rid of it. And after that's set, I could manage to prepare a backup grumpig.
But normally, when SPs are VS Vileplume, they usually use Luxray to bring it on active. therfore, your bench shield is useless.
Belted Grumpig beats Gyarados. Not so sure about much else. SPs were able to beat plox, albeit they hurt from trainer lock now. Macheap has big tanking Macheap Prime, but it can't use its power. They might even not use the Lv.X.

Also, wang, how do you bright look under power lock?

You know what would be great? Adding in DGX (of course, this doesn't work with Vileplume). No 'bodies OR 'powers if you're using Grumpig. I think that would hurt the opponent pretty badly...
It doesn't work against anything already using Vileplume or DGX, though :p
Lots of decks rely on 'bodies. I think it depends on the deck you're facing, though.
True, but the biggest decks right now don't really on bodies.

Take sp for example, dgx is useless, and they run you over because all you stop is healing breath/bright look/leap away.

Now, teching in dgx and using it in appropriate matchups would be much more practical than only having dgx. Also, I could just seeker vileplume, use trainers, bts back down.
I know that, I was just stating that sp, arguably the biggest matchup to consider, isn't affected by dgx. I didn't consider you may have only been suggesting a tech.