Greatest pokemon ever!


Bow down to the power of Dragonite ex!
THere are many things that is annoying about the tcg and online.

1. Broken
There is nothing more childish than people wanting to quit because they face a card that is too tough rather than trying to find a counter and trying to stop it. They will complain and whine about its strength and give up. Also I hate whenever you see a card that is good you say broken. JUST BECAUSE IT IS GOOD DOES NOT MEAN IT IS BROKEN!

One other thing i hate is when you see a thread with all of these views and nobody replies. they all just ignore the work someone may have had to put into it. this person comes for help or to ask fan like questions. if they are asking for help, will it hurt you to help them? If not, do it. and i do not mean spamming

3. Battling
The last thing that i am a little peeved at is when you agree to a set of rules online for battling with the ds and somebody breaks the rules. That is dishonorable and proves you untrustworthy. Also I hate when they follow the format and use a cheat device. It is really easy to tell when someone is and it sucks to battle those people. If they dont use it during the battle then before they will raise their HP to 999. That also gets on my nerves. When one uses these means to win they show they're incapable of winning the fair way and that they are childish because they will use these means to win

If you agree with me post your thoughts, if you dont post anyway. I mean this post in no way personal to anyone. So dont take it personally.
no you played a fair match. i was talking about someone i saw at
Ok! I just thought maybe I forgot a rule!
anyways I think that blissey holding a focus sash or leftovers should be in ubers!