Gengar from Stormfront (#18), 3/11/2010

YAY one of my personal favourites, Gengar!
1) Heck yes, this card is brilliant on it's own, go second, start with Gastly, drop a rare candy to gengar, add a psychic energy and BOOM! 30 or 60 damage on the first turn, unless of course, they play Unown G...
2) Gengar decks use and abuse this card, by putting a heck of a lot in and hoping for a first turn win. As other people have said, Mother Gengar also uses this.
3)Combos, where do I start, Looker's investigation to help with Poltergeist, Nidoqueen RR to get around poison and to help stay in a little longer, Gengar Lv X (a little Hp boost should never go unnoticed), Crobat G to help Shadow Room, even Lumineon SF to see your opponents hand and get some easy prizes with Fin Luster. I could go on, but I won't bore you with more combos.
4) 4.5 out of 5. BRILLIANT CARD!!! The one problem is the low HP which can be boosted with the Lv X. With higher Hp eg 130ish, it would be a 5.
5)Art gets a 4 from me, really shows Gengar as the creepy ghost it is, but the background isn't anything to get excited about...
That's all I have to say
1. I think it's really good just on it's own as a main. Probably even better on it's own than as a support to other decks.
2. I know it's paired with Nidoqueen a lot, but I can't really say as it's usually the base of decks with it.
3. I think mabye Gardevoir. Shadow Room does an easy 60 damage, free retreat, then bring it down with Gardevoir Lv. X.
4. I give it a 5/5. It's actually a cool card for being so over used, not like some other cards that are just cheap.
5. It's cool, but a little TOO computerized. Looks way too solid for being a ghost, and even a Ghost type.
This guy was first seen by itself, then w/Dusknoir, then w/Machamp and then Nidoqueen and HYPED to be w/Metagross and now is paired w/ the PA Gengar. This card is pretty useless by itself as it just needs a partner in crime. It was IMO BDIF in SF and PL formats but then fell a bit. I think it is a great card, but it is easy to get around, Unown G, poisioning/crobating to avoid fainting spell and paying attention to your hand all stop this card.
I'd give it a 3.5/5 simply because it may the 3rd most disruptive pokemon in the format(Luxray GL LV.X, then Flygon LV.X, then Gengar SF)
Artwork i like it because it shows how gengar has potential.
1.I think this is a very good card that can have a strong role in many decks. For one thing, Shadow Room, with the help of Crobat G and Kingdra Prime, can easily snipe benched Pokemon, including the very popular Claydol.
2. It can be used especially well in snipe decks and with Garchomp C.
3.Crobat G, CurseGar, Garchomp C LV.X, snipers, etc.....
4. 5/5. An excellent sniper, Fainting Spell can be a game-winning PokePower, and Poltergeist is great against players using SP decks who love who keep PokeTurns in their hand.
5. Pretty good. I like how the Gengar stands out.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential?
This card is amazing. it can strike fear into people when it hit's the field. and with Fainting spell if you go down there is a 50/50 chance that your opponent will go down.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
gengar SF is used in all sorts of ways. on it's own, with machamp, Nidoqueen RR and much more.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Look at #2.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I give this a 5/5. it has the potentical to kill any pokemon with pokepower and can kill gyarados with 1 attack. and it can be comboed with all sorts of stuff.

5. How's the artwork?
It looks like Gengar is in a differnet world and walking over goo when another one is boiling beside him. however i soon relized that it was the moon and he was running over a lake.
it still looked cool.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
really good for attacking the claydol , uxie, mesprit, azelf on the bench for their pokepower ^ ^..sometimes u must try gamble to use the second attack

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
i think can be combine with gardevoir lv x and mr mime from MT ^ ^

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
i use it for my dusknoir lv x deck and also my gardevoir lv x deck ,i think it sometimes match with the dusknoir lv x (ur opponent must think twice to kill ur pokemon, since gengar can fainting spell and ducknoir lv x can be a hurtfull stadium ^ ^

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
i like it really much for the fainting spell (mostly when ur opponent use expert belt and ur fainting spell's flip is HEAD....LOL)

5. How's the artwork?
i can say the artwork has a nice