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Standard Gardevoir GX + Zygarde


It's still in testing, but i've been wanting to make Zygarde from Burning Shadows playable since, aside from discarding 2 energies, it's a fairly competent card, and fighting fury belt makes it difficult to KO while only losing one prize card. If I have Gardevoir GX up, even better if I have Rimbombee, I can keep Core Enforcer going consistently and use Gardevoir as a back-up attacker if I lose Zygarde. I think I know how many Pokemon and Energy I want to run, but am still looking at what trainers will be most helpful.

Pokemon: 17
  • 3 Zygarde (Burning Shadows)
  • 3 Ralts (Burning Shadows)
  • 2 Kirlia (Burning Shadows)
  • 2 Gardevoir GX
  • 2 Cutifly (Burning Shadows)
  • 2 Rimbombee (Burning Shadows)
  • 2 Diance (Burning Shadows)
  • 1 Comfey
Trainers: 26
  • 4 Sycamore
  • 3 N (maybe Wicke instead?)
  • 2 Energy Recyler
  • 3 Guzma
  • 1 Bridgette
  • 3 Nest Ball
  • 3 Timer Ball
  • 3 Rare Candy
  • 2 Rescue Stretcher
  • 3 Fighting Fury Belt

Energy: 15
  • 4 Double Colorless
  • 7 Fairy
  • 4 Dark
I've considered using Wicke instead of N in this deck since I can easily stack up energies with Rimbombee and get myself a new very large hand while being able to get any lost energy back with Rimbombee easily. I also considered tossing Sylveon in here so that I can rely less on search item cards. Would likely toss out Diance, Timer Ball, and a single Zygarde for a 3 Eevee 2 Sylveon set. Anything else that could be suggested?
Definitely an interesting list. However, I don't know how consistent it would be. Relying on a Stage 2 for support seems backwards, especially when that support Pokémon is a way better attacker than Zygarde. Plus, with other Gardevoir decks running rampant, Zygarde's weakness doesn't do it any favors. It could be a fun budget deck though. I use the term budget loosely because I know you're playing Gardevoir, but outside of those, the rest of the deck is easy to build. As far as Trainers, I would take out all 3 Timer Ball and 1 Nest Ball and add 4 Ultra Ball.
Definitely an interesting list. However, I don't know how consistent it would be. Relying on a Stage 2 for support seems backwards, especially when that support Pokémon is a way better attacker than Zygarde. Plus, with other Gardevoir decks running rampant, Zygarde's weakness doesn't do it any favors. It could be a fun budget deck though. I use the term budget loosely because I know you're playing Gardevoir, but outside of those, the rest of the deck is easy to build. As far as Trainers, I would take out all 3 Timer Ball and 1 Nest Ball and add 4 Ultra Ball.

I definitely understand why it seems backwards to use her for support. But she does get use, don't worry. She just plays as a back-up attacker instead. I just like finding weird deck combos others wouldn't bother with.

Do you feel Wicke could be a decent replacement for N in my deck given the situation with Rimbombee? And How did you feel about the idea of using Sylveon? Would let me nab a Rare Candy + Gardevoir reliably instead of using Ultra Balls.