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Garchomp deck for BR


lover of pokemon
Pokemon: 23

4-3-4 Garchomp (dragon call Gabite)
3-3 Altaria
3 Emolga
2 Terrakion (revenge)

T/S/S 27

4 juniper
3 cheren
4 N
2 random recever
4 pokemon catcher
3 level ball
2 tool scraper
2 rare candy
2 switch
2 super rod

Energy 10

4 blend ({F}{L}{M}{W})
6 {F}

strategy is to start with Emolga a and set up gabite then get the Garchomp then Altaria
-1 Random Reciever: for actual Supporters
-1 Gabite
-2 Ultra Ball: Between Dragon Call and Level Ball, you should be fine. You're already discarding with Dragonblade, so Ultra Ball wouldn't really be worth it.
+2 N: A late game N is devestating for your opponents, and this deck can play off of the field eith the built in search.
+2 Super Rod: You need something to get back Altarias so the deck doesn't lose steam. And typically, you end up discarding something important with Dragonblade.
Yeah. It's better. I haven't been able to play many Darkrai. Almost no one in my area runs it.