Game & Console Maintenance Thread


I was wondering if there was a thread here like this, but apparently there isn't. So I decided to make one.

Here post any problems with your games or consoles and other members can help. 

The reason I was looking for a thread like this in the first place was because I was looking for somewhere to post about my DS's about four-five years old and has been pretty fine the whole time I've had it. However, just today it was doing something strange...I was playing Pokemon Platinum for a while until I decided to switch back to Pokemon Black and continue "Masuda Methoding" Eevee for a shiny. I just turned on the game and a minute later I put it on sleep mode, I noticed that the light was flashing rapidly, the screens were flashing with the light, and it was making clicking sounds and playing bits of the music, like if someone was opening the DS and closing it rapidly. It kept doing this in Sleep Mode so I turned off the DS, took out the game, then restarted it and it was fine. My DS has never done that before. Only other problems I had were that a long time ago when I was playing Super Mario 64 DS is when I closed my DS then opened it after, the game was frozen. (But that game is old and I think it got bumped). Then later, when the DS was on sleep mode with the alarm, when I opened it it would shut-off. I think it was because the GBA game wasn't inserted properly (because it wasn't) but I'm not sure. Anyway just wondering what's wrong with it. I see it has happened to other people with a DS Lite. It's not turning off randomly or turning on randomly. So yeah.

Basically this thread is to ask about or game/console problems and stuff. I know the above thing was probably too long. Whatever.
RE: Game and Console Maintenance Thread

Wait so is everything okay now or is it still doing that?
RE: Game and Console Maintenance Thread

safariblade said:
Wait so is everything okay now or is it still doing that?

It seems fine now. I just hope it doesn't start again. I save before I put it into sleep mode now.
I'm having some issues with my 3DS camera. Whenever I go into the 3DS Camera application, the input screens go black and my 3DS freezes. At first I thought it was a hardware problem with the cameras, but when I went into the AR Viewer in Pokedex 3D, the cameras worked fine. Any thoughts on how to resolve this?
You don't mean Action Replay, do you? If it's a first release, that could be part of it. That's very strange...
Sorry double post
Now my DS Lite has random fading and growing black lines on the touch screen. It's fine, but what's with the lines?
regigigas said:
Sorry double post
Now my DS Lite has random fading and growing black lines on the touch screen. It's fine, but what's with the lines?

That sounds like a dieing screen.
omahanime said:
That sounds like a dieing screen.

Great. So basically I need a new DS? The screen is fine, just that there's two broken-up lines going across the screen that are one pixel in height and seem to fade and come back or get longer