From standard to extended...


Aspiring Trainer
I was excited to start and play pokemon 3 months ago, but since i played magic the gathering before, i was used to the different leagues in which you can participate. Right now, pokemon is running in a standard format, meaning that you are only able to use the sets that weren't rotated. Nevertheless, my question is, is there any way that pokemon can create other formats (I mean competitive fomats) so that we could use older sets?

Knowing that claydol, the draw power of any deck and one of the most played cards in history was rotated, what is going to happen to the meta when uxie rotates??? Shouldn't pokemon start other formats where every single set could be used??? Either way, they won't lose money this way because new cards are far stronger and have more potential then the older ones. So what is there to lose?? They can make more money this way by selling older sets for players who are more interested, and they can also fine the entrance fee for every format?!

In any case, after the rotation, 75% of the winning decks are going to be out, because luxchomp is not going to have the speed, gyarados rotates, vlegar loses gengar and donchamp loses it's main donker. So, just to make it funner for other players, why shouldn't they create other types of formats?
*Moved*. Some places hold unlimited tournaments sometimes. They aren't rated. Depending on your local league, they may allow any card. I allow any card at my league.~Mark
if you think about it. if they did that and people could make any deck they wanted with any card it would be havoc...there would be unbeatable decks that would just take over. im not sure about magic but it would be insane....or maybe not. maybe just boring because you would be against and unstoppable deck and then they would just woop you.
I agree with this. Yu-Gi-Oh hobby leagues have done something similar to this, known as the Pegasus League or something like that in which rules are bended (Such as decks needing to consist of exactly 80 cards or a specific number of cards with a specific rarity). This was somewhat after by the Battle Frontier league when it comes to Pokemon, holding optional challenges (Such as Lucy's Challenge; needing to discard a card from your hand to play a Supporter) in order to win prizes (the badges). Those challenges really gave a fresh new aspect to the game, resulting in a lot of different decks being made, giving people the opportunity to play with cards they normally would never play with, and such, create more diversity in the game.

I haven't gone to league (except for tournaments) since the Battle Frontier league, so I'm not sure if these new seasons of league have these optional challenges. But yes, I do agree that other types of formats should be created, just not on a scale as massive as Worlds. Maybe a local tournament to spice the game up a bit.
Yes, it is true that it will be kind of way too strong in the sense that you can use any card, but don't you think that if we had a bigger variety of formats, it will be funner and more interesting to play?!?! And i mean, RATED tourneys...
when i went to cities a guy asked if we wanted to play unlimited. so you can if you want with anyone. but as i said it would just be one deck (heck i made the ultimate lock deck. just use aerodactyle, omastar MD, and then mewtwo x and you are untouchable.) that would dominate.
Anybody can create any deck they want....and trust me, there are some decks that are as good as this.....Leafeon x and landmin are just plain awesome :p..(when they will rotate, of course)
you have no idea how many leafeon x and landmins i am currently looking for...i wouldnnt mind trading all of my 11 gengar primes for these :p.....i want the leafeon really bad, especially when i realized that he can combo up with celebi, and the sceptile that affects grass energies to be counted as 2x grass energy :D
So, just to make it funner for other players, why shouldn't they create other types of formats?

or they could just step their game up like everybody else

They can make more money this way by selling older sets for players who are more interested, and they can also fine the entrance fee for every format?!

TPCi doesn't make more money off the older sets, they've already made their money when the store owners buy the product to sell to begin with, and being the sets are then not printed anymore, they wouldn't make any more money off of that set...not only that, most players like the free entry for premiere events and having rated Unlimited tournaments is really counter-productive, as most players (and/or collectors) who've been playing for a while and have quite the collection, will undoubtedly try and increase their ratings in unlimited tourneys, instead of trying stay with the rotation format...especially when very popular cards like Claydol get rotated out, and there isn't a card to really replace it in the current format, which is counter-productive to the competitive metagame...when that happens, you then have few trying to buy the cards from the new sets that are modified format legal, which is counter-productive to the business end, and the amount of money they would make from entrance fees for tournies doesn't compare to the amount they would make from booster pack sales of new sets

In any case, after the rotation, 75% of the winning decks are going to be out, because luxchomp is not going to have the speed, gyarados rotates, vlegar loses gengar and donchamp loses it's main donker. So, just to make it funner for other players, why shouldn't they create other types of formats?

that's a good thing, seeing the same decks year after year, is boring and droll...a deck shouldn't have a winning run no longer than, at the extreme most, two years altogether, having fresh decks in metagame keeps the competitive metagame exciting, and makes it so that new players looking to get into the game competitively will not have to be scrambling for certain cards so they can have this "god deck" that's been around for years (Power 9, anyone???)...the cards that are getting created, have actually been "nerfed" compaitively to cards from the Lv. X sets; the hitting power is only a tad bit lower (if at all), the pokemon are back to x2 weakness, they are requiring more energy for their attacks, and there isn't nearly as much draw power...after rotation, I'm thinking the metagame will have a very EX-ish feel to it
^what?!?!?! collectors sir. i would love another base set charizard but base set packs go for like 10-15 dollars and a shadowless god 50-60 dollars. they would kill if they started doing old packs again. nostalgia is dangerous lol.

no it will be how it used to. stupid attacks and amazing powers.
they wouldn't kill...for 1, if they were to print those sets again, the sets would not hold the same value as the originals...2, the original sets wouldn't make TPCi any money at all for real, the original sets have already been purchased by retailers and the company that made the money wasn't TPCi, it was WotC, because that is who was printing the game back then

while nostalgia is dangerous, it still wouldn't make TPCi any money for real...I mean, we've had reprints of some of those cards (Charizard (SF-103)???), and the values are crap comparitively to the originals
I'm actually sort of hoping the post-rotation metagame will feel like EX block without the absolutely broken EX mechanic.

As for an Extended format, that WOULD be nice to see. If I were designing one for the current metagame it would be Power Keepers through CoL. I would also think block formats would have interesting possibilities.

My favourite fan format, though, is still golden age. Base through Rocket or base through Gym 2 with Rocket Zapdos banned, depending who you ask. I think the fact that the latter needs a ban makes the former a lot saner, but certain "gym related" groups that shall not be named seem to love the idea of cutting at gym 2. >_>

Those metas sound a lot more interesting than the current one, tbh.