I think that you have a couple of ways to go with Dragonite ex d.
1. The Cursed Stone route – these Pokemon don’t have powers and can easily be used with cursed stone:
* Weezing (dx)
* Exeguttor d (hp)
* Marowak d (ds)
* Raichu d (hp)
* Xatu d (df)
* Claydoll (hp)
* Glalie (em)
2. The Deafen attack – These Pokemon help improve the trainer lock or just add general disruption:
* Xatu d (df)
* Feraligatr d (df)
* Gyarados d
* Vaporeon ex (ds)
* Mew ex (lm)
* Manetrix ex (dx)
* Houndoom (uf)
* Delcatty ex (cg)
* Metagross ex (pk)
3. The Dragon Roar abuse – Lot’s of Pokemon can be used to help spread damage:
* Flygon ex d (df)
* Raquaza ex d (df)
* Jolteon ex (ds)
* Jolteon d (ds)
* Exeguttor d (hp)
* Raichu d (hp)
* Marowak d (ds)
* Claydoll (hp)
* Glalie (em)
* Lickitung d (df)
* Yanma (uf)
* Shiftry ex (cg)
4. Tech me out – these Pokemon just fit well with Dragonite, offering energy acceleration or other benefits. Most of these should probably be avoided in Cursed Stone decks.
* Dragonite d (ds) – lighting from discard to bench
* Altaria ex d (df) – basic energy to stage 2 ex pokemon
* Flygon d (hp) – basic or dRE to any delta pokemon
* Meganium ex (uf) – grass energy & healing anywhere
* Venusaur (cg) – all colorless energy counts as grass ... abuse that Cyclone, Boost, and more.
* Sceptile (op4) – move grass energy from one Pokemon to another.
* Gardevoir d (ds) – move any energy
5. Complement me – Since lots of things, particularly metal Pokemon have grass resistance it’s helpful to have techs that can deal this:
* Mew d (op5)
* Marowak d (ds)
* Arbok d (df)
* Latias ex d (df)
* Latias* (dx)
* Latios* (dx)
* Lugia ex (uf)
* Gardevoir ex d (df)
* Flaireon ex (ds)
6. Help me out – unless you are focusing on the T2 lockout, your deck could probably use a starter. And if you don’t have a starter then you could use help with consistency:
* Nidoqueen d (df)
* Fearow d (cg)
* Delcatty (pk)
* Holon’s Castaform
* Mawile (cg)
* Tauros (cg)
* Lickitung d (df)
* Yamna (uf)