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Flame Wreckage (Arcanine ex/Magcargo)

Chung 730

Aspiring Trainer

2-2 Arcanine ex
4-4 Flareon UD
3-3 Magcargo UD

(18 Pokemon)

1 Warp Energy
1 React Energy
17 {R}

(19 Energy)

3 Energy Switch
3 Energy Search
1 Pokemon Circulator
1 Energy Exchanger
1 Switch
1 Defender
1 Volkner's Philosophy
2 Looker's Investigation
1 Inerveiwer's Questions
1 Fisherman
3 Team Rockets Trickery
1 Sitrus Berry
1 Strength Charm
1 Buffer Piece
2 Full Flame - Stadium

(23 T/S/S)

Strategy : Thanks to my Slugma and its Active Volcano, I can draw the top card of my deck and if its a {R} energy, then i can attach it to Slugma. With an HP of 60, it can last a while, hopefully giving me enough time to get out my Magcargo. Just for 3 energys He is able to do up to 120 Damage with its Lava Flow attack, of course with a catch of having to discard the amount of energys needed. ( 60 D = no energys removed, 80 D = 1 energy removed, 100 D = 2 and 120 = all energys attached to Magcargo) If i cant get them out and i have an eevee, its very likely to draw a Flareon due to having 4 of them, and with an attack of 90 for just three energys, Flareon's Flamethrower makes it a heavy hitter with the power to K-O most of its opponents. Having to discard an energy due to using Flamethrower isn't much of a set back because my hand is usually loaded with energys, if not i can use some Trainers to obtain them. I use these to Pokemon's powerful attacks to either stall for time so i can get my Arcanine ex out or either to hopefully draw all my prize cards already :p