Writing (Fanfic) Once upon a Pokemon christmas


Crazy Advanceshipper!
Once upon a Pokemon Christmas.
By Skitty101

Yeah, yeah. I know christmas is long over but I wanted to post this christmas Pokemon fanfic that I made. :)

a/n: A advanceshippy/orangeshippy(and possibly others...)christmas fic for the holidays!

Ash and co walk up a mountain side and it is very blizzard-y and snowy.

"I didn't realize it was gonna snow! And I'm wearing shorts too!" May whined, shivering madly.

"Sheesh, May." Max sneered. "I'm wearing shorts too and you don't see me complaining! And hel-lo it’s winter! The time of snow!"

May grimaced at her younger brother whacking him upside the head. Max merely let out a grunt, he was used to this type of torment from his older sister.

Ash watched as May erupted into another chilly shivering spell and began to feel sorry for the coordinator. Pikachu jumped off his shoulder sensing what he had in mind. Immediately Ash took off his sleeveless sweatshirt. May looked at him with a confused look.

"Here, May, before you catch a cold." He told her warmly, holding out his sweatshirt toward her.

"But won't you--"

"I'll be fine, trust me. I'm more then warm with it anyway." May was hesitant to take it from him. She looked to it then at him. He had such compassion in his face; he really did care a lot about her. Reaching out with trembling hands she took hold of his sweatshirt. And just held it in her hands.

"Well, what'd ya waiting for? Put it on." Ash smiled, half jokingly.

May felt her face heat up as she slowly put on the young boy's sleeveless sweatshirt. She could feel the warmth, the scent of the young trainer she truly loved.

"Well, what'd ya know? You look like a clone of Ash, now!" Brock beamed. May looked down at herself, the sweatshirt was slightly large for her but one thing for sure, it was very warm.

"One more thing..." Ash said taking his cap off and walking closer to May, he gently placed the hat on her head. Just for the heck of it, Pikachu climbed up to May's shoulder and beamed happily at her letting out a cheery, "Pi-ka!!"

"Heh, even Pikachu can't tell the difference!" Max laughed. Everyone joined in, all except May. She was too busy staring at Ash, not realizing she had a major blush on her face.

Meanwhile at a tip of a hill somewhere near Ash and co was a hot air balloon. It seemed to be stuck on the peak.

"Who's the bozo that steered us right into a peak!? Now we're stuck here!" Screamed a purple haired woman who obviously was very irritated.

"Don't look at me... don't ya realize that hot air balloons can't be steered..." said a pokemon (that seemed to have know human speech), glumly.

A blue haired man lay on the ground, with a depressed expression on his face. "I need food..." He muttered.

"Oh, shut up, James! We have bigger problems then your hunger!!!" The purple haired women snapped.

The man, now known as James, groaning replied, "But, Jessie we haven't eaten in days..."

"Wel---!" Jessie was about to reply but before she could do so a sudden gust, and a strong one at that, knocked them off the peak!

"Yahhh! We're blasting off again!!" The trio shouted in unison.

"Well at least we're not stuck anymor-e-e-e-e!" cried the talking Pokemon as they continued to fly.

“There! That’s the last of it!” cried a red haired girl as she proudly stacked up a pile of invitations. “This Christmas party will be great! Don’t ya think so Azurill?” She beamed happily at a blue Pokemon with light blue cheeks as it was bouncing on its tail cheerfully. “A-zuu!” It cried.

“Hey, Misty, the invitations ready to go out?” said a young boy from behind the girl; know known to us as Misty.

“Oh, hey Tracey! And yep,” Misty beamed. “I have one for almost everyone we know! Ash, May, Max, Brock…”

Tracey chuckled. “This is gonna be one heck of a party, eh?”

“Uh-huh! Sure is!” Misty nodded proudly, hugging the invitations as if they were a teddy bear or something.

There was a sudden splat against the wall that made Misty jump causing her to scatter all the invites in the air.

“Heh,” Tracey laughed nervously. “That must be the delivery Delibird I sent for…”

Misty let out a sigh beginning to pick up the invitations off the ground her Azurill helping her.

Walking toward the window, Tracey spotted the very Delibird sitting there in the window, its eyes swirl-y.

“Oh, brother…” He muttered. “Hey, you okay out there?” He said knocking on the glass.

The Delibird blinked as if the knocking of the window had knocked him from some kind of trance.

“Deliii…” It cried, scratching the back of its neck in embarrassment.

Tracey chucked as he opened the window to let the bird Pokemon in. Delibird flew in at such speed it knocked Tracey to the ground.

“Tracey!” Misty gasped running to Tracey’s side. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I saw that comin’…” Tracey winced rubbing his head and pushing himself up. Misty smiled.

“Del! Deliii!!” Delibird exclaimed.

“I forgive you don’t worry.” Tracey beamed then said more to himself. “They had to send me a crazy one…?”

“Del? Deli-i-iiii!” Delibird burst into tears.

“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean it! I swear!” Tracey exclaimed waving his hands in a nervous manner.

Delibird sniffled a bit and began to wipe its eyes.

“Alright, Delibird…” Misty said walking up to him. “You ready to make a delivery?”

Delibird finished wiping its eyes; beaming and nodding its head excitedly.

“Okay, then!” Misty said happily. “Here are invitations. There is a picture of each person in this corner.” She explained pointing to a corner where there was a small picture of the invite coming to the party. “Got it?”

“Delibird!” Delibird smiled cheerfully.

“Good!” Misty replied handing the bundle of invitations to Delibird. “Have a nice tr--“

But before Misty could finish Delibird flew straight out the window with a whoosh.

“Whoah…no wonder that Delibird ran into that window.” Misty winced now flat on the ground.

Tracey grinned nervously helping Misty up. “Let’s hope it actually gets the invitations delivered.”

Delibird put on a determined expression as it stuffed the last of the invitations in its little baggie. “Del! Deliiii!!” It cried as it zoomed toward the sky.

Meanwhile with Ash and co…

“It’s about time we found a Pokemon center—Sheesh!!” Max shivered as he opened the door to the center.

“I thought you said you weren’t cold…?” May smirked.

Max rolls his eyes as the four walk in to the warmth of the center.

“If ya want me, I’ll be getting some cocoa!” Max called as he ran toward the café. (This pokemon center has café…)

“And I’ll be flirting with Nurse Joy!!” Brock cheered skipping toward the front counter. May and Ash looked on at Brock with puzzled looks.

For a moment there was pure silence between May and Ash. Neither of the two wanted to make eye contact. May looked to the sweatshirt of Ash’s that she was still wearing, smiling sweetly to herself. She then attempted to taking it off making her bandana slip off in the process along with Ash’s hat.

“Ash…” She said in almost a whisper as she held out the sweatshirt to him. “Here’s your… sweatshirt.”

Ash smiled at the brunette. She looked as beautiful as ever without her bandana on.

“Thanks.” He replied taking hold of the sweatshirt, but paused as his eyes locked with May’s. ‘Gosh, I’ve never realized how pretty May’s eyes are…’ Ash thought to himself.

May looked back at him, for her too had locked eyes with him. It seemed like hours that they were just standing there, staring into each other’s eyes till…


“Ack!!” Ash and May screamed in unison suddenly embracing each other for protection.

“W-what was that?” Ash questioned, embracing May tightly.

“I-I don’t know!” May replied, blushing deeply as she felt Ash’s strong arms around her.

“Del! Deli! Deliibird!!” A muffled voice could be heard outside the window.
“What is that...?” Ash questioned in half a whisper; releasing May and starting off toward the window. May following close behind him.

Ash and May soon could make out a small cheery bird Pokemon perched against the window, waving its wings in greeting. Ash chuckled.

“Hmm…wonder what Pokemon this could be…?” May wondered taking out her Pokedex, her eyes still fixed on the merry Pokemon.

“Delibird,” It said. “The delivery Pokemon, it tricks its enemy’s intoaccepting presents that are actually bombs.”

“Wow. It seems like it has a lot of stuff in that pack…” Ash observed; his gaze now on the bulging bag on Delibird’s side.

“G-got that right.” May agreed.

“Del! Delii-ii-iii!!” Delibird began to slam its arms on the window impatiently.

“You think we should let it in?” Ash and May asked in unison and when they realized it they began to laugh.

“Yeah, I think we should.” May said a little bit of laughter in her voice.

Ash walked up closer to the window. As soon as it had open Delibird zoomed in like a speeding bullet, striking May square in da face! And the massive force of it causing her to fall backward into the ground hitting her head extremely hard.

“MAY!!” Ash cried with such shock, he nearly got the attention of the whole Pokemon Center.

May looked up at him. The impact to the ground causing her vision to become blurry; she could faintly hear him say “Are you okay?” but then… all went black.

May woke to find herself in a bed; she felt the warmth of someone squeezing her hand.
She looked up to see none other then Ash.
“A-Ash…” She could hardly say.

“May!” Ash jumped startled. He heaved a deep sigh of relief. “Gosh, May are…are you alright?”

“I...w-where am I?” She replied.

“You’re in a Pokemon Center room.” He answered warmly giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

She tried to sit up but gave up as the horrible pain of her head overcame her. She winced.

“What’s wrong, May?” Ash asked plenty of concern in his voice.

“It’s just…my head. It hurts so much.” May explained still wincing.

Ash chucked. “I wouldn’t be surprised. That blow to your head must have been very painful.”

May managed to bring out a weak smile. Even though she was in great pain Ash always could make her feel better.

The door of the room slowly creaked open as Max and Brock entered, quietly.

“Is…is May awake yet?” Max solicited, in almost a whisper.

“We brought her some hot cocoa.” Brock said holding up a small mug.

“I don’t think May wants that just now.” Ash confirmed.

Brock nodded setting the mug on the side table.

“May are you okay?” Max wondered, placing his hands firmly on the bed.

“Other then a terrible headache…” May grimaced. ‘I’m fine.

“When I heard what happened I was SO worried!” Max exclaimed.

“We all were.” Ash grinned, squeezing May’s hand tighter. “That Delibird had a lot of nerve, striking you in the face like that.”

“Uh! Speaking of Delibird—Where is it?!” May questioned suddenly alarmed.

“Don’t worry,” Ash assured. “It left a while ago. It said it was sorry, by the way.”

“Oh, really?” May exclaimed sarcastically.

Ash brought out a nervous chuckle. “Anyway, that Delibird gave me something…” He reached into his pocket taking out four envelopes. “They’re invitations for a Christmas party.”

“Pika!” Pikachu chimed in. Ash began to open his invitation and read it out loud.

“’Merry Christmas!’” He read. “’I’d really like you to come to my Christmas party. It’s gonna be loads of fun and lots of people you know will be going! Hope to see you there, Misty.’”

“A Christmas party? Awesome!” Max exclaimed happily.

“It says on the back it’s at the Cerulean Gym.” Ash clarified.

“That sounds great.” May commented softly.

“But of course, you should rest up till your head feels better, May.” Brock reminded.

“Yeah…” May agreed with a nod; she suddenly realized she was becoming drowsy.

Max, Brock and Ash attempted to leave so May could get some rest. But May stopped Ash by grasping his hand with both her hands.

Ash looked at her in confusion. “No, Ash. Please stay here.” She pleaded.

“Oh…Okay.” Ash nodded sitting back down. May felt a blush form on her face at the way Ash had said that. “I’ll stay with you, May.” He gave her a heartwarming smile and she returned it.

“I think we should leave these lovebirds alone.” Max whispered jokingly to Brock. Brock chuckled, but not loud enough for Ash and May to hear, and nodded. They left the room but Ash and May took no notice of this for they were only interested in the company of each other.
They continued to stare at each other with affectionate expressions on their faces. May felt like melting just staring at him. She didn’t want to fall asleep; all she wanted to do was stare at Ash, for as long as she ever could. But before she knew it her eyes grew heavy and she drifted off to dreamland.

“Sleep well, May.” Ash whispered warmly.

That night May found herself in a wonderful dream. She was at the Christmas part and was having the time of her life. Then suddenly she heard some one say her name. She turned to find Ash smiling warmly at her. She smiled right back. He then pointed at the ceiling and May was surprised at what she saw. A mistletoe. She looked to Ash then at it again. Ash continued to smile. May blinked as a light blush formed on her face. Ash leaned closer to May’s face and till he was inches apart from her lips. May’s blush deepen as she grinned affectionately and soon found herself in a kiss with Ash. She felt her heart do a back flip as Ash deepened the kiss by wrapping his arms around her waist and…

“Hey, May ya gonna wake up?” A voice brought her back to reality. May’s eyes opened slowly and she looked up to see Ash, Brock and Max looking down at her. She squinted as the sunlight that had came to her eyes. She began to sit up slowly and felt slightly light-headed but managed to sit up.

“Your head feeling any better?” Ash questioned with a soft smile.

May looked at Ash smiling back. “Ye...yeah, I think so.” She scratched her head, getting out of bed. She nearly collapsed but Ash caught her. “Thanks. I-I’m gonna go change.” She went to the bathroom and Ash and the others could hear her say, “Omigosh!! My hair’s a mess!!!”

They all began to laugh at that.

Later Ash and co were enjoying lunch in the Pokemon Center café. May was acting as if that little incident with Delibird had never happened and was eating a bowl of ramen joyfully.

“I sure am glad you’re feeling better, May.” Ash commented as he watched May eat with great interest.

May nodded, unable to talk since her mouth was full.

“So, we’ll be heading for Cerulean first thing tomorrow morning, right?” Brock inquired.

“Yep, I already bought the tickets for the ferry.” Ash exclaimed, gladly.

“Pikachu!” Pikachu said then continued to munch on his Pokemon food.

Ash ruffled the fur on top of Pikachu’s head and Pikachu beamed while still nibbling on the small piece of food.

Max took a small sip of his grape juice and continued to examine his PokeNavi.

“So, Max how far is Cerulean City from here?” Brock wondered looking at the PokeNavi from over Max’s shoulder.

“Not too far. It should be about a two hour trip on the ferry.” Max explained, taking another sip of his grape juice.

“I hope there are things to do on that ferry,” May implied. “I’m gonna be bored out of my wits. I mean, two hours?! I’d die of boredom!!” She collapsed on the table overdramatically.

Ash laughed. “Don’t worry about a thing, May. I’m sure they have things do on the ferry.”

‘Yeah, like staring at the wonderfully blue waters with you…’ May thought adoringly. She suddenly went into a trance-like state.

“Woohoo! Earth to May.” Max said waving his hand in front of May’s face. “In coming, May.”

He then chucked a cheetoh that hit her right on the nose.

“Hey!” May piped covering her nose. “What the heck was that for?!”

“Well… you were staring into space…” Max shrugged. “I had to get you out of that trance somehow.”

May glared at Max but then forgot about her anger toward him and yet again began to think of the concept of being alone with Ash on the cruise to Cerulean City.

The next day Ash, May, Max and Brock set off toward Cerulean City in the early hours of the morning. Instead of doing anything fun all of the gang simply slept the hours away. Before they knew it, the bell telling that they were now in Cerulean rang. And they nearly missed it. But thanks to Pikachu, they were able to get off the ship before it departed to-- who knows where!

Ash and co stood in front of the Cerulean Gym. They could see from the outside the many flashing lights of the Christmas tree.

”Wow…” Ash said looking in with awe.

“Pika…” Pikachu said with a sparkle in its eyes.

Ash was about to knock on the door but the just then the door sprang open and there in front of them stood Misty. She had a red dress on and mistletoe earrings.

“Finally you guys are here! I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show!” She exclaimed beckoning them to come in. They all came in and were greeted by all of Misty’s sisters, Tracey, Cassie, Duplica, and even Richie and of course his Pikachu, Sparky.

As soon as Richie spotted May a light blush formed on his face.

“Pika?” Sparky was wondering if Richie was okay, tugging his trainer’s pant leg.
Richie continued to gawk at May as if he was in some sort of trance. May took notice of this looking in his direction.

“Uh… hello?” She said awkwardly.

“Hi…” Richie replied his blush deepening.

“Oh brother…” Max muttered under his breath.

May walked off toward Misty and Richie suddenly snapped out of his trance.

“Gosh, that girl was pretty…” He breathed with a soft smile.

“Ya talking about my sister?” Max suddenly blurt out from behind him.

Richie jumped slightly. “T-that was your sister?”

“Got that right,” Max said pushing up his glasses. “If I were you I’d watch it. Cause she’s taken.” Max was half-lying about this.

“By who…?” Richie asked his sprits dropping.

“I’ll leave that for you to find out.” Max smirked walking away.

Richie sighed.

“Hey, Misty I like your earrings.” May commented at the mistletoe earrings that Misty was wearing.

“Thanks.” Misty beamed. “Tracey gave them to me.”

“M-misty… can I tell you something?” May said in more of a whisper. “Just between you and me.”

“Sure. Okay.” Misty said with a nod.

“Well…” May hesitated, putting her index fingers together. “I…well…I LIKE ASH!” She whispered hoarsely.

Misty was slightly taken aback but then smirked. “Oh, do you?”

May looked to the ground still putting her index fingers together. Lost for words she nodded. Misty then looked behind May saying, “Oh, hey Ash.”

“Wha--!” May gasped turning round only to find no one was there.

“Gotcha.” Misty beamed.

A blush overcame May’s face.


In the dining room, Ash was helping himself to donuts at the snack table. He had a lot of chocolate on his face.

”Ash, don’t ya think your going a bit overboard on the goodies… you’ll ruin your appetite for dinner.” Brock informed.

Ash swallowed his mouthful of chocolate donut with some difficulty, scratching the back of his neck nervously. He chuckled saying, “Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Brock turned his back away from Ash and Ash secretly snuck another chocolate donut behind his back. He began to walk backward but then stopped short when he realized he had bumped into a something. He jerked around and there in front of him was May.

“Oh, May!!” He blurt out suddenly turning crimson.

May beamed. “Do you have something behind your back?” She teased suspiciously.

“Here you go, May! A donut, just for you!” He held out the donut toward May.

May stared at it with wide-eyes. “No tha-“ Just then a loud jingle sounded above them.

This got the attention of the whole party.

“Oooooh, looks like we caught a bundle of lovebirds under our mistletoe!” Misty said cheerfully and grinning.

“Mistletoe!?!” Ash and May shouted in unison. They then looked and there it was. The mistletoe.

”Eheh…” Ash laughed nervously backing off slightly. May felt hurt, did Ash not want to kiss her?

“C’mon, Ash, grow up!” Cassie called out, teasingly.

“Yeah, like, go on and kiss her.” Misty’s sister Daisy, added.

‘NO! Don’t kiss her! I should be the one under that mistletoe with her!’ Richie thought angrily.

May looked at Ash, trying to hide the fact that she was close to crying.

“A-Ash…” She said in a voice that suddenly brought Ash to look straight at her.

Then something clicked in Ash’s mind, looking at May made him feel…feel something he couldn’t quite explain. His heart skipped a beat. What was he thinking? Why was he acting so…so…IMMATURE! There he was under a mistletoe with the girl he had eyes for. He put on a smile that made him look giddy.

May was hesitant to smile back. But couldn’t help herself at the look he was giving her. She grinned adoringly which made Ash blush furiously.

“Kiss already!” Max commanded, impatiently.

“Pika! Pika! Pika!...” Pikachu began to chant.

Sparky couldn’t help himself but to join in as well. He merely shrugged and began to chant with Pikachu.

May stared lovingly into Ash’s wonderful auburn eyes and Ash stared back at her giving her a dreamy look. He then put his hands to May’s waist and slowly pressed his lips to May’s. He still had a teensy bit of chocolate on his face but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that he was kissing the girl…the girl he truly…madly and deeply loved.
May deepened the kiss by wrapping her arms around Ash’s neck. Ash opened up his mouth slightly and May did the same. ‘This is the best kiss I’ve ever had…’ May thought passionately. ‘Let alone only…’

Richie began to whimper. “It’s no fair…no fair at all.”

”Pika…pi…” Sparky said patting him on the back.

Tracey then held up a mistletoe between him and Misty, whistling innocently.

Misty turned to Tracey seeing the mistletoe and squealing in happiness. Then glomping him, she kissed him tenderly. Tracey was a bit surprised at first but wrapped his arms around her kissing her back.

“Great! Is everyone gon-“ Richie began but was cut off by Cassie as she had began to kiss him. His eyes widened in deep, deep surprise.

“Heh… guess everyone’s into the lovvvve this year.” Max sneered, laughing.

“Pikachu!!” Pikachu and Sparky exclaimed in unison.

The End

P.S: And merry Christmas. (well, late christmas)

Sorry if this post is too long... *ashamed*