EX: BROKEN POWER- THE MOST BROKEN SET EVER (no, really... if it's broken is good)

290 HP

(C) Liability Out Put 20 damage couters on the Defending Pokemon.

(W,C) Solid Ice 150 Stone Curse 1 of your opponent's Pokemon for infinity turns.

Instant Combusken
[KFC Brand]

PokeBody: Special Promotion
If you are friends with Borat, you get 50% off all purchases from all participating KFC outlets

PokePower: Large-up
Once during your turn you may ask your opponent to upgrade your regular coke and fried to large.

[c]Cook 500
Pour boiling water over Instant Combusken. Hes ready in 2 minutes. Then get some oil and start frying. BTW if you're asian, your mom just called, your nutella bread is ready =] bon appetit!

[c][c] Christmas Dinner 1000
Need a dinner for Christmas? Buy Instant Combusken! No need all that prepraperation, all ready in 2 minutes, Hi five!

Weakness: A broken pot.
Resistance: Cold water. Note: its cold, he loves hot water.
Retreat Cost: Free! While stocks last.
Limited Time

Flip a coin. If heads, you draw a prize every turn. If tails, you get a 50% discount when you buy Borat from Target stores across the world.
You win the game. This card can't be stopped from being played. This card's effect always works, no matter what. You can search your deck and/or prizes for this card and use it whenever you want.

Although it may look dumb, this card is SUPER BROKEN:

Jolteon 70HP {L} Stage 1, evolves from Eevee
{.} Paralyzing Destruction     10
The Defending Pokemon is now paralyzed. Your opponent can't play Trainers or Special Energy cards during his or her next turn. If this attack knocks out the Defending Pokemon, the new Defending Pokemon is now paralyzed.
Weakness: (Every type) Resistance: (none) Retreat Cost:{C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C/C}
Flygon EX 1230 HP

(G)(L) Crush Attack 200
Discard your opponents hand and deck.

Resistance:Everything -60\
Shedinja 10HP (P) Basic Pokémon
[POKé-BODY] Ghost Shell
Shedinja has 10HP plus the same amount of HP as the remaining HP of all Pokémon in play. Shedinja can't have more than 140HP.
(C) Thief 20
Discard all Pokémon Tool cards and Special Energy cards attached to your opponent's Pokémon.
(C) (C) Ring Power 50
Count the total number of cards in your deck and in your opponent's deck. If your opponent's deck has more than 58 cards remaining in his or her deck, discard cards from his deck until he has 1 card left. Your opponent can't evolve a Pokémon, play a Trainer card, attach a Energy card, play a basic Pokémon in his bench, level up his active Pokémon, use any Poké-Powers or Poké-Bodies, or attack during his or her next turn.

He's the shell that Nincada left when he evolved to Ninjask. The ring over his head can cause mass destruction.

Weakness: (D) +10
Resistance: (C) -20
Retreat Cost: 0