Evolution of Fearow?


...wants an anti-power deck...
To carry on with the discussion about an evolution of Fearow, I made a quick drawing.

It looks a bit like the Thunderbird from Indian legends (like I said it will^^) which is said to be a vulture-like animal.
I drew arms to make a griffin-like appearance, and I like these furry feet owls have, so I drew it too.

If you don't like it, it's just an idea and, as I said, just a scribble. Maybe I color it later.


  • fearow.jpg
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Fearow having an evolution would be awesome! Nice drawing but looks too much like Fearow. But hey! Pidgeotto looks like Pidgeot:p
I know they look very much the same, so I added whatever I could, even arms XD.
Yes, Pidgeotto and Pidgeot is a good example^^.
I will change the colors like Hakking said:
I think of a higher evolution of Fearow as a large vulture, like a California Condor. Black and white and with wide wings for soaring.

Then would it make look a lot different, I think.
nice drawing....looks too much like moltress though...
can u remove the arms....looks funny on pokemon...
i mean what bird pokemon has wings....dont change the tradition in pokemon
where bird pokemons have no wings....anyways nice drawing...