Ruling Endless Game Ruling


cd / Back to the roots

I have a question about a situation that could occur during a game in top cut.
Let's say both players play a deck with the looker oranguru where you can shuffle cards back into your deck. Both players don't draw any price cards since they only recover there ressources and try to grind out the opponent. Now with Lusamine and Oranguru and so on it is possible that this game will last forever.
How would you handle a situation like this by ruling? A game that can't even finish in sudden death.
Outside of tournaments (where they have a time limit) that game doesn't end until someone takes the last prize or until someone decks out so if you can't achieve that it's a stalemate
Thanks for your answer @CrownAxe, but this question is about a game in tournament and even in top cut. Where yes they have a time limit, but a game also does never end in a tie.
Thanks for your answer @CrownAxe, but this question is about a game in tournament and even in top cut. Where yes they have a time limit, but a game also does never end in a tie.
The only thing the rules give is that you have to resolve elimination matches with single prize sudden death if no winner is decided. It would be up to the TO to make a ruling if that for some reason could not be achieved

Oranguru does have an attack that does damage so it should be achievable to take a single prize