Duskull, Dusclops, and Dusknoir from “Night Wanderer!”

Artwork = AMAZING, but I just don't see a place for this kind of gimmick. You can't slot it as a tech without wasting valuable space, and the line as a whole makes the intent look like it should operate as its own deck type. Duskull restores its comrades with its own attack so that other restorative effect cards can pull the evolutions back from the Discard, but even then the whole concept hits a wall with delivering KOs if your opponent is already set up. A deck like this theoretically requires you always needing to go first, otherwise you're stuck with figuring out how to 2HKO while keeping the prize trade in your favor.
I'm already not a huge fan of sniping Abilities and this is the strongest we've ever seen by far. I don't think it's particularly playable, but I also don't see the point of printing a card like that. There's a reason Pokemon use attacks to do damage, everything else is just a bonus on top of that.
you're ko'ing yourself instead of just discarding, meaning cards like counter catcher and reversal energy can activate when you want them to while also dealing passive damage to your opponent so this line definitely has a lot of potential as a useful support. It's kinda the reason why mismagius from the sun and moon era got banned (aside from the fact it allowed you to draw up to 7 cards and then ruin your opponent's hand with reset stamp but that's beside the point)


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Artwork = AMAZING, but I just don't see a place for this kind of gimmick. You can't slot it as a tech without wasting valuable space, and the line as a whole makes the intent look like it should operate as its own deck type. Duskull restores its comrades with its own attack so that other restorative effect cards can pull the evolutions back from the Discard, but even then the whole concept hits a wall with delivering KOs if your opponent is already set up. A deck like this theoretically requires you always needing to go first, otherwise you're stuck with figuring out how to 2HKO while keeping the prize trade in your favor.
You don't see a place for a gimimck that demands you build a deck around it in order for it to reliably deliver its payload? I sure don't know what would lead you to say that given that this is how all gimmicks do and probably should work. Not everything is made nor should everything be made in order to neatly slot into an existing high tier deck as "tech", that's a very silly expectation to have every time a news post goes up. Also, TM Evolution exists.

you're ko'ing yourself instead of just discarding, meaning cards like counter catcher and reversal energy can activate when you want them to while also dealing passive damage to your opponent so this line definitely has a lot of potential as a useful support. It's kinda the reason why mismagius from the sun and moon era got banned (aside from the fact it allowed you to draw up to 7 cards and then ruin your opponent's hand with reset stamp but that's beside the point)
Exactly, it's the same principle as Forretress-ex where there's a ton of potential use not just to the payout of such an effect, but also to being able to knock out one of your own Pokemon during your own turn to manipulate prize counts, or even just to pivot during your turn.
I'm not that big a fan of the Dusknoir in Standard as it is, but that doesn't even come to close to how much I wouldn't like the Dusclops in Expanded with Spiritborne Evolution Duskull around... only if I cared more about Expanded.
I read it as placing the damage counters anywhere, and I was like “this seems wayyyyyy to op”, but thankfully its just to one pokemon
Turning on Counter Catcher and Defiance Band while also sniping the bench could be relevant in a hypothetical super-aggressive going first deck. Turn 1 Buddy Poffin out a couple Duskull, Turn 2 evolve them, snipe something for 100 damage, then swing into active with whatever your main attacker is. For example, you could use it in Greninja ex decks instead of Froslass. If you find Rare Candy Greninja and one Dusclops turn 2, then you can deal 220 total to their active Pokemon: enough to knock out most Basic 2-Prizers. At the same time, this line of play turns every Counter Catcher into your deck into a Prime Catcher. Also Dusclops one-shots Rellor. I could definitely see this overtaking Froslass as the premier way to play Greninja.
Something interesting to note is if you’re playing this then you don’t need some Boss+Canceling Cologne combo in order to KO Manaphy.

I don’t hate the mechanic because it would be such a fun rogue deck to run around with, but if this is good in Dragapult things could start to be a bit rough…
Turning on Counter Catcher and Defiance Band while also sniping the bench could be relevant in a hypothetical super-aggressive going first deck. Turn 1 Buddy Poffin out a couple Duskull, Turn 2 evolve them, snipe something for 100 damage, then swing into active with whatever your main attacker is. For example, you could use it in Greninja ex decks instead of Froslass. If you find Rare Candy Greninja and one Dusclops turn 2, then you can deal 220 total to their active Pokemon: enough to knock out most Basic 2-Prizers. At the same time, this line of play turns every Counter Catcher into your deck into a Prime Catcher. Also Dusclops one-shots Rellor. I could definitely see this overtaking Froslass as the premier way to play Greninja.
the idea is definitely really neat but i don’t see that happening
I'm guessing the Dusknoir card line is kind of made for Dragapult ex cause if so and planned well you could honestly win a game really quickly....
bro this is insane- you can use dusknoir to snipe bibarel, then counter catcher and then iono/roxanne.