Durant makes me want to quit TCG

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pokemonjoe said:
The fact that's it's an alternate win condition and doesn't need hundreds of dollars of investment. It also doesn't hurt that it's pretty hard to mess up with it, so I don't beat myself up for making a ton of misplays. :p What exactly do you hate about it?

The reasons you like it are the reasons people hate it.

Really hard to mess up, so (no offense, I'm sure your good and this isn't directed at you) it doesn't take much skill to play.
Durant isn't that hard to beat, if your having trouble with it play a deck that has a great matchup against it like Megnezone/Eel, ZPS, Zekrom/Eel, ReshiPhlosion, MagnezoneTyphlo(as you can see a lot of decks can easily beat it).Stop complaining and do something about it. We really don't want to hear about your problems with ONE deck in the format out of all the ones that people play, as peter griffin would say:
But, if it doesn't take that much skill to play, wouldn't that be a reason for people to like it? Say its before a cities and you think this, I want to do good in this cities but don't really feel like thinking too much, Durant is a good choice!
Durant is a deck for people who don't have enough skill to play things like Chandelure, CaKE, etc. If I'm thinking "I wan't to do well and not think", I'll play something like Magnezone Eelectric. Durant is the poor and bad players friend.
You just insulted a lot of players, including me. Durant is a very good deck and just because it's inexpensive doesn't make it bad. Seriously, you can argue your point, just don't insult people as you do it.
You kinda insulted yourself in that last post
pokemonjoe said:
But, if it doesn't take that much skill to play, wouldn't that be a reason for people to like it?
Durant isn't good, haven't lost to it yet. I don't like the deck, but I'm not complaining about it.
pokemonjoe said:
But, if it doesn't take that much skill to play, wouldn't that be a reason for people to like it? Say its before a cities and you think this, I want to do good in this cities but don't really feel like thinking too much, Durant is a good choice!
If you don't want to think, you should NOT do well at Pokémon.
If Durant can actually make people quit, I don't see why it can't be the best deck out there, just saying.
Trainerhan1 said:
If Durant can actually make people quit, I don't see why it can't be the best deck out there, just saying.

Back when G&G was the best deck around that didn't make me quit. Or when Luxchomp was. Its not that the deck is the best out there. Its just its annoying. Not fun. And requires you to select or build a deck that can beat it. So the tank decks that I love to play are out of the question.
I personally love playing durant, but i have never played against it, but it's on of those decks that is fun to play, but isn't if you play against it. I mean maybe you can switch to a deck like 6 corners that can defeat durant and other decks at the same time. I know playing 6 corners is probably a bad example, but i just threw a suggestion out there, good luck in your efforts trying to conquer durant. =)

HenryP said:
Durant is a deck for people who don't have enough skill to play things like Chandelure, CaKE, etc. If I'm thinking "I wan't to do well and not think", I'll play something like Magnezone Eelectric. Durant is the poor and bad players friend.

IMO durant is quite a good deck and is fun to play, sure it doesnt take skill to play and is very inexpensive, but that doesnt mean its not a good deck. I realize everyone is entitled to there own opinion, but i mean you dont have to go as far as to say that about durant decks.
AmishEskimoNinja said:
Back when G&G was the best deck around that didn't make me quit. Or when Luxchomp was. Its not that the deck is the best out there. Its just its annoying. Not fun. And requires you to select or build a deck that can beat it. So the tank decks that I love to play are out of the question.

All I mean is that by quiting because of one deck only makes that deck seem more powerfull than it really is.
Trainerhan1 said:
If Durant can actually make people quit, I don't see why it can't be the best deck out there, just saying.

I feel that the only reason people get mad about durant is that it's a very annoying deck to play against, i have played the deck, and have seen videos of it, and i can see the look on people's faces, and they really dont like facing durant.
Durant is annoying but it is honestly simple to beat most versions of it. Just conserve. Sure your durant doesn't take allot of skill to play, but that usually means your opponent wont play well. Just dont sage unless you have to etc, and get out something.

Perhaps you could give us an idea of what your deck is so we could help you with changes or techs that might beat durant?
HenryP: I was referring to newer players who want a deck that will still do good in a tournament. I like the deck for other reasons. What deck do you play? If you run something like reshiphlosion, of course you're going to beat durant.
Celebi: I'm saying someone who just wants to have fun, but not focus on completely winning, more hanging out with friends. However, if they still want to not get crushed, durant would be the deck for them.

I honestly don't see the point of this thread as a whole. It's just a bunch of complaining about how annoying durant is and a few people defending it.
I've run many different things at cities. Iv'e won:
1 with CaKE
4 with Magnezone Electrik
2 with 6 Corners
1 with Chandelure Vileplume
HenryP said:
I've run many different things at cities. Iv'e won:
1 with CaKE
4 with Magnezone Electrik
2 with 6 Corners
1 with Chandelure Vileplume
How many durant did you face? Did they get good starts? Did you? Did they whiff on crushing hammer flips? Were they good players? It's kind of an invalid argument to say it's bad because you've beat it because there are so many variables beyond your control. Also, it it's so bad, how has it won so many cities?
I've played against idk like 7 Durants. Most of them got a T1 set up and a decent amount of crushing hammer heads. Durant hasn't won a very big PERCENTAGE of cities wins. which is what matters.
I can't believe this thread has come to this level of arguing, it's not even discussion anymore.

Durant isn't the poor and bad player's choice of deck, it's a good deck that has good matchups across the board. Stop complaining and adjust to the meta, threatening to ragequit over a deck and insulting other players like this just makes you look like a child. Some people hate playing against trainer lock, tank and donk decks but they aren't nerdraging over them.

It's an efficient deck that runs smoothly. Learn to KO your opponent in a timely manner or lose. /thread.
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