Ruling Double Dragon / Japanese


Aspiring Trainer
Hello Everyone,

I'm having a hard time understanding what "2 energy at a time" means for double dragon energy. For example, if I have one DDE card attached to Haxorus, and I'm versing a Team Plasma pokemon, does this energy card count as one fighting and one metal? Or I can only choose ONE type to count for two? In short, if I have ONE DDE energy card attached to Haxorus, can I do "Strike of the Champion?"

My other question is, my cousin and I play for fun and not in tournaments. If there is a Japanese pokemon card that never released officially in English, is it still allowed in play? For example, can I use "Pokemon rescue"?
Yes, you could use Strike of the Champion. Double Dragon Energy is like having two Rainbow Energy attached - two of anything in any combination.

Japanese cards are not legal in sanctioned play. If you're just playing with your cousin for fun, you can use whatever cards you want, really.