Ruling Ditto-BCR / AZ Question.


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Question regarding Az;

If you use BCR Ditto's ability and evolve him, would Az count the ditto as a pre-evolution card?

To get a little more in-depth, Ditto's ability reads that "this pokemon is now that pokemon.".

So for example, you have Ditto in play and you play Pikachu on top of him, Ditto is now considered to be Pikachu. You then evolve the Pikachu into Raichu. You would then have a stack of 3 Pokemon (Ditto, Pikachu and Raichu). Does the gamestate see Raichu as having 2 cards underneath him (Ditto and Pikachu), or just 1 card (the Pikachu that was played on top of the Ditto)? And if it only sees the 1 card (the Pikachu), wouldn't the Ditto be discarded when Pikachu/Raichu is returned to the hand as it's not being counted as a valid pre-evolution?



Az Translation:

" AZ - Trainer

Choose 1 of your Pokemon and return that Pokemon and its attached pre-evolutions to your hand. (Discard all other cards attached to that Pokemon.)

You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack)."
The FAQ Wrote said:
We will no longer be answering questions regarding cards that have not been officially released in English. Official answers cannot be given since the card isn’t officially out yet.