yeah ive been gone for a long time and decided to restart my tradeing thread.
i offer shinys gba events(only us)
nds events are jp and us sometimes other countrys
Cloners listen up
anyone who can cloned for me can have access to any of my shinys as long as they clone there own copy and return my oringnal shiny. If not i will REPORT!
tracks of light deoxys attack (need cloned)
tracks of light deoxys defense (need cloned)
tracks of light deoxys normal (need cloned)
tracks of light deoxys speed (need cloned)
movie arceus (need cloned)
pcp pichu (need cloned)
Nzone jirachi (need cloned)
ranch flygon
Bday charmander 07 08 09
movie shaymin
movie regigiges
palcity manaphy
palcity lucario
palcity mew
movie darkrai
10th deoxys
Saikyou milotic
saikyou salamance
sakyou dragonite
saikyou elctrivier
saikyou magmorter
Mcdonalds pikachu
golgo Octillery
Yamamoto Whiscash
tanabata jirachi 07 08
Shokotan Tropius
Yokohama pikachu
WCS milotic
pokemon center eevee
pokemon ranch meowth
pokemon ranch slakoth
pokemon ranch metagross
02079 pikacho event (forgot which event)
birthday chimchar (need cloned)
wifi mew hgss event
concert chatot
almia darkrai
almia riolu
flying pokewalker pikachu (need cloned)
surfing pokewalker pikachu
NDS usa events
TCGWC pikachu
alamos darkrai (TRU)
gamestop deoxys
ranch mew
ranch pheony
world 08 lucario
Npower pikachu
e4all manaphy
TRU manaphy
jbhf manaphy
NWS manaphy
TRU dragonite
TRU regigiges
TRU shaymin
VGC09 milotic
world 09 wevile
TRU arceus
gamestop pichu
almia darkrai
almia riolu
almia manaphy egg
pktopia pikachu
pktopia electrvier
pktopia magmorter
salamance lv 100
sucune ut lv 40(need cloned)
latias ut lv 40(need cloned)
latios ut lv 40(need cloned)
rayquazay lv 100
celebii lv 70 10 aniv (not sure if its real)
lv 50 joltion
lugia lv 100
giratina ut lv 70 (need cloned)
groudon lv 100
eevee ut lv 1 (need cloned)
ninetails lv 53
drifblimb lv 33
garydos lv 40
regigiges ut lv 1(need cloned)
arceus ut lv 80 (need cloned)
gamestop jirachi
any ut shiny lagendary
shiny umbreonn with shadowball and dig
will add more later
events plat=1118 5010 1989
shinys SS= 1977 9493 9755
pm me for offers or leave a reply here
i offer shinys gba events(only us)
nds events are jp and us sometimes other countrys
Cloners listen up
anyone who can cloned for me can have access to any of my shinys as long as they clone there own copy and return my oringnal shiny. If not i will REPORT!
tracks of light deoxys attack (need cloned)
tracks of light deoxys defense (need cloned)
tracks of light deoxys normal (need cloned)
tracks of light deoxys speed (need cloned)
movie arceus (need cloned)
pcp pichu (need cloned)
Nzone jirachi (need cloned)
ranch flygon
Bday charmander 07 08 09
movie shaymin
movie regigiges
palcity manaphy
palcity lucario
palcity mew
movie darkrai
10th deoxys
Saikyou milotic
saikyou salamance
sakyou dragonite
saikyou elctrivier
saikyou magmorter
Mcdonalds pikachu
golgo Octillery
Yamamoto Whiscash
tanabata jirachi 07 08
Shokotan Tropius
Yokohama pikachu
WCS milotic
pokemon center eevee
pokemon ranch meowth
pokemon ranch slakoth
pokemon ranch metagross
02079 pikacho event (forgot which event)
birthday chimchar (need cloned)
wifi mew hgss event
concert chatot
almia darkrai
almia riolu
flying pokewalker pikachu (need cloned)
surfing pokewalker pikachu
NDS usa events
TCGWC pikachu
alamos darkrai (TRU)
gamestop deoxys
ranch mew
ranch pheony
world 08 lucario
Npower pikachu
e4all manaphy
TRU manaphy
jbhf manaphy
NWS manaphy
TRU dragonite
TRU regigiges
TRU shaymin
VGC09 milotic
world 09 wevile
TRU arceus
gamestop pichu
almia darkrai
almia riolu
almia manaphy egg
pktopia pikachu
pktopia electrvier
pktopia magmorter
salamance lv 100
sucune ut lv 40(need cloned)
latias ut lv 40(need cloned)
latios ut lv 40(need cloned)
rayquazay lv 100
celebii lv 70 10 aniv (not sure if its real)
lv 50 joltion
lugia lv 100
giratina ut lv 70 (need cloned)
groudon lv 100
eevee ut lv 1 (need cloned)
ninetails lv 53
drifblimb lv 33
garydos lv 40
regigiges ut lv 1(need cloned)
arceus ut lv 80 (need cloned)
gamestop jirachi
any ut shiny lagendary
shiny umbreonn with shadowball and dig
will add more later
events plat=1118 5010 1989
shinys SS= 1977 9493 9755
pm me for offers or leave a reply here