Decks That Don't Require 2 Mewtwo EX?

Card Slinger J

Aspiring Trainer
Is there any other decks besides Durant and Mewbox that don't require you to run 2 Mewtwo EX? I've been thinking of building a 2nd Pokemon deck for awhile and getting 2 more Mewtwo EX seems like too big of a hassle after I got 2 for my EelZone deck.

Any input is greatly appeciated...
RE: Just curious...

Could you change the title so it involves your question? Thanks.
Chandelure/Vileplume does not need it.

Excerpt from explaining why:

Mewtwo EX - This card isn't too needed, as there's no acceleration for it and no Double Colorless Energy (DCE) are used in ChandePlume. With Eerie Glow, an enemy Mewtwo EX just isn't too much of a threat to warrant an entire tech.
+ Powerful attacker that can take out EX Pokemon
- Costs 2 prize cards in a deck that wants to fall behind intentionally
- Not needed when Chandelure can take care of Mewtwo EX
- Slow to be powered up, too much energy needed
Sillykyle did very well with The Truth at States yesterday. He only had one Mewtwo, so he just played Rescue (I'm not sure how many, I think 1?).

You can also get away with 1 Mewtwo in EelZone as Magnezone is an even better way to deal with Mewtwos than your own Mewtwo. Other than that, Durant and Mew are about your only options (Maybe also TyRam?).

EDIT: Why do you even need to have 2 different complete decks? Just switch the cards back and forth between decks, it isn't like your going to play both at the same tournament. If your just playing against yourself, you can just use proxies.
ChandyPlume doesn't need Mewtwo-EX. You're only going to be doing damage with Chandelure, thus making the card useless in that deck. Not just that, but Chandy can 2-shot Mewtwo, hitting it for weakness.

VVV (which is starting to get played more, actually) also doesn't need Mewtwo-EX. You're going to be keeping an almost guarenteed paralysis on the opponent through the entire game, making the card useless, and providing a Mewtwo-EX counter in the deck's strategy.
Some Terrakion decks don't run Mewtwo EX, and stick with max Terrakion or Terrakion with a few Landorus.
VVV doesn't need it, Eelzone doesn't need it but can use it (not too well, but it can) and Shiftry/Drifblim/Weavile doesn't need it.

Most decks that use Mewtwo use it for the same reason Japanese players use it for. A Mewtwo counter.
alexmf2 said:
Sillykyle did very well with The Truth at States yesterday. He only had one Mewtwo, so he just played Rescue (I'm not sure how many, I think 1?).

You can also get away with 1 Mewtwo in EelZone as Magnezone is an even better way to deal with Mewtwos than your own Mewtwo. Other than that, Durant and Mew are about your only options (Maybe also TyRam?).

EDIT: Why do you even need to have 2 different complete decks? Just switch the cards back and forth between decks, it isn't like your going to play both at the same tournament. If your just playing against yourself, you can just use proxies.

It's true that I was able to do well with only one Mewtwo, but had I run into some different situations (for example, if you hadn't prized your other Mewtwo) it would lost me games.
As Futachi said, the straight Terrakion deck runs no Mewtwo, but it's probably a very hard deck to play.
I did very good [I got 8th] (for me) with no Mewtwo's in my Eel Zone deck, you have to rely on other pokemon though :). I played a Tyram at my states that didn't run Mewtwo's, and it got 2nd. So that might be another viable option.
Hmm, so I take it you didn't have any problems against Terrakion when you were running EelZone Lil Wayne? That's part of why I run 2 Mewtwo EX in my EelZone deck. They try to Retaliate for 90 and unless they Catcher something up I try to 2HKO Terrakion with X Ball.

I've been thinking about building a Terrakion Swarm deck with Landorus and I have 1 Terrakion so far, just need to get 4 and I'm on a roll. :)
Card Slinger J said:
I've been thinking about building a Terrakion Swarm deck with Landorus and I have 1 Terrakion so far, just need to get 4 and I'm on a roll. :)

Mewtwo EX + Eviolite destroys straight Terrakion.
I enjoy playing ZekEels with one mewtwo EX. It runs quite well and you just throw in a super rod or a revive.
alexmf2 said:
Mewtwo EX + Eviolite destroys straight Terrakion. They play pluspower, they can still 2HKO you. The only problem is the first 1-2 turns keeping energy on the board, but EXP Share can help with that. If I were to play Quad Terrakion, though, I would probably tech a Mewtwo and 2 DCE because that'll be their go-to attacker in Eels.
Cinema said: They play pluspower, they can still 2HKO you. The only problem is the first 1-2 turns keeping energy on the board, but EXP Share can help with that. If I were to play Quad Terrakion, though, I would probably tech a Mewtwo and 2 DCE because that'll be their go-to attacker in Eels.

They would need 3 Pluspowers. 70 + 80 =/= 170
alexmf2 said:
They would need 3 Pluspowers. 70 + 80 =/= 170

I know. I didn't say you needed any less. But the deck plays 4 PlusPower and 4 Junk Arm. IMO, the deck is dead for the rest of States because almost every Eels player has heard of it, knows how to play against it and may even tech for it.
So how do Eel decks tech against Terrakion? With Mewtwo EX or Virizion NV? I would've figured the type advantage Terrakion has against Eels would be too great but it turns out that Eels is still going strong.
Card Slinger J said:
So how do Eel decks tech against Terrakion? With Mewtwo EX or Virizion NV? I would've figured the type advantage Terrakion has against Eels would be too great but it turns out that Eels is still going strong.

Just put down 2 Eelektrik and 2 Mewtwo (or 3 if you play it) on the field and sweep with Eviolite. Never lay down any other pokemon. Eviolite is very important in this matchup, if you don't run it/don't draw it you just need to rely on them missing EXP Shares or being able to get rid of all their energy by KOing them to fast for them to keep up. N can help a lot here too, it makes it harder for them to grab annoying cards like Lost Remover, and it makes them have to waste more resources to get more EXP Shares.