Deck Help


Whatever You Want Mama!!
im workingon a tyranitar deck and its not going too well. so far i have 1 tyranitar prime, 2 tyranitar from stormfront, 2 weavile from stormfront (the two sneasel are from unleashed) 4 sableye from stormfront and 3 chatot G

the problem is that whenever battling my brothers or friends, one of the tyranitars that is out will get knocked out and then thats battle because it will take too long to get up another one.

so im looking for something that wll go good with my current set up and also some advice in general on my deck.

im fine with the main lines like tyranitar and weavile. i was really looking for another supporting line to put in. and what are staples?
Staples are typically cards that go well in almost every deck (typically T/S/S). Right now, the most notable that go with T-Tar are Broken Time-Space, Pokémon Collector, Rare Candy, Bebe's Search, Uxie LA, and probably some others that I'm forgetting...
yeah, those rare candies really help with two stage evolution decks. Use the Chatot Gs to pick them out, then charge the larvitars, and evolve to tyranitar without having to worry about pupitar
There is no Weavile in SF afaik. If your thinking of Secret Wonders, then it got rotated.
well its not that big a deal. i dont usually play in modified format. mostly unlimited