Deck Discussion #6: Flygon

Blue Thunder

so long!
Yes, I know, this is late. My apologies are out for that. Anyway...I guess that's it for an intro. The next Deck Discussion will be posted on Monday, July 13.

You can also send me a PM to tell me which deck you would like to discuss next. The deck that gets the most requests will be the one I choose for the next one.

Today's thread will be about Flygon (Rising Rivals) and its Level X. A usual Flygon deck is a nice mix between high damage output and disruption. Starting off, Flygon features a Body that can give your Pokemon free retreat, if you have their type of energy attached to Flygon. (For a few examples, If Flygon has Grass Energy attached, all your Grass Pokemon have free retreat.) This allows Flygon to abuse Palkia LV. X (Great Encounters) for a Gust of Wind (Base Set) effect. Flygon also has an attack that gets rid on Stadiums, and gets an immunity if you got rid of Stadium. To top of the regular Flygon, he has a second attack that starts at 60 damage, but it gets +10 for each evolved Pokemon on your Bench. This is why Palkia LV. X usage has gone down. Flygon has also has a Level X. Flygon LV. X's Body automatically discards the top card of your opponent's deck in between turns. This gives Flygon some nice stall properties. The third and final attack Flygon and its Level X have is X-treme attack, which any Level X for 150 damage. Flygon, however, is a slow card by today's standards, as it does need 3 energy for its power-house attacks. Some varieties run Weavile (Secret Wonders) to get a Flygon charged early on, and it can also act as a PlusPower with Special Darkness energy (Rising Rivals) attached. Another common tech the deck uses is Dusknoir, (Diamond and Pearl) which allows for you to restrict your opponent to a Bench size of 3. This is very disruptive.

In this and any deck discussion thread, the idea is to discuss the deck's possible techs, how it fares in the metagame, what Tier it is in, its counters, a good decklist for the deck, or just discussing the deck in general.

For the more recent previous deck discussions, please click on the links below. Some of the very old ones will not be listed because the last post is dated more than 2 weeks ago. To get to these threads, you may have to click one of the links, and then click a link inside that thread.

DD5: Mother Genagr:
DD4: Machamp:
DD3: Luxape:
DD2: Dialga G/Legos:

Now...discuss! (And do mention Flygon LV. X.)
i really like flygon its really fun to play.
things i like about flygon are the fect that it has amazing power that no other stage two deck has this format with the weavile version its possible to swing for upwards of 120 damage.
things i dislike are the fact that it has very few attacking options its really redundant.
flygon lv.x is like dusknoir if you see a duskull you dont drop more then 3 to your bench.
if tey see trapinch they no not to lv up to recklessly.
wind erosion is amazing(lost a game at nas becaus of it)
milling random cards from your opponents deck can hurt them a whole lot more then you would anticipate.(he milled my infernape e4 lv.x my ninetails tech and my last night maintenance.)
probably my second favorite stage two deck next to kingdra.
Pink Flygon is a horrible option. Palkia does nothing Flygon needs. Why would you want to move their best attacker to the active spot when you can't OHKO it? Weavile is a nice option and makes some matchups more favorable, but not a must.
At first I thought it was slow, but apparently it held its own at Nationals and will probably definitely come in full force at Worlds. I'm interested to see what varients will be the best, and I prefer the Palkia + Mewtwo + Flygon tech variety the best.

Your PM Limit is full Blue Thunder. _-_

dmaster out.
flygon is a pretty cool deck, you need some good luck to get it started though, as you really need a T2 flygon and claydol to hold off against anything.
Flygon won dutch nationals, using Weavile and Dusknoir as it support. It did use the RR Trapinch and some Fight energy too.
This deck gets annoying to play against if it has Palkia LV.X. They bring up my claydol and it just sits there while my deck is being milled. Dusknoir can also be really mean.
I pack a Ditto just for this, but it's really, really good if it gets up faster than its opponent. Weavile's also a nifty tech.
Flygon is one of those decks that are slow, but deadly. When against decks just as slow(though there are few these days), Eroding Storm can actually get your opponent to deck out if both of you are having very slow progress. Xtreme Attack basically snipes all Lv.Xs except Torterra(especially with Landmin Lv.X, though it will be sniped anyway) and Leafeon Lv.X(providing there's Landmin Lv.X, again easily sniped, and Espeon in play) Power Swing can also do nasty damage, and Rainbow Lift is great. So once again, Flygon's main problem is speed.
Beats basically everything in the current format (provided it gets set-up... the main focus of your build should be consistency) and a solid choice for Worlds (could definitely be mine).

As for discussion on how to run the deck, I'd say Weavile is pretty much a necessity.
With weavile its one of the fastest and deadliest stage 2 decks out there. (I killed 3 of 4 speedrill decks I played at nats with it) Its fast for a stage 2, but its often not fast enough to beat a good SP deck.

As for Palkia and mewtwo, I think they really slow the deck down. In this format, a three energy stage 2 needs to one-shot whatever it is facing. Two hits is too long. you probably won't be able to if you're running basics.
d master342 said:
At first I thought it was slow, but apparently it held its own at Nationals and will probably definitely come in full force at Worlds. I'm interested to see what varients will be the best, and I prefer the Palkia + Mewtwo + Flygon tech variety the best.

Your PM Limit is full Blue Thunder. _-_

dmaster out.

Perhaps a glitch in the PM system was finally fixed. I've keep receiving PMs, even past 200. I currently stand at 271, and it hasn't been a problem before. I'll go edit it.

Anyway, on topic, I think the best variant out there is Flygon/Weavile/Dusknoir. Dusknoir is just great in a Flygon deck, and Weavile helps over come its slight speed and damage output problems. (It only reaches 110...just short of a few OHKOs.)

EDIT: Alright, I stand at 183 right now, so you should be able to PM me.
too slow to set up to be a tier 1 deck. If they take out your Claydols early game, it just fizzles out. Gratuitous amount of techs or not.
^true i agree
it is much to slow for tier 1.
thats why luxape won nationals.
you shut down a stage two decks draw and you win
its also why palkia was such a good choice to play for nats it shuts down stage two decks whilst countering luxape. palkia for ape and toxicroak for luxray.
obviously luxape could still pull out of this bind but when a good player limits a bad players options the bad player trys to gain control. wich just ends up in more prizes being taken.
in the end toxicroak g promo is a beast.
i shouldnt say bad player maybe worse player.
GHJamesGH said:
This deck gets annoying to play against if it has Palkia LV.X. They bring up my claydol and it just sits there while my deck is being milled. Dusknoir can also be really mean.
Stop basing all of your opinions off of matches with me! No one plays like me!

DarthPika said:
The fact that a good SP beats it should tell you it's really not that great. ;)
Pf, the only SP deck with a favorable matchup against Flygon would be LuxApe. Dialga G is almost gone, Palkia G is easily countered by Pachi (and yes I use the thing, because it's better than Call with Gather Sand), and the rest is just plain OHKOd.
Zyflair said:
GHJamesGH said:
This deck gets annoying to play against if it has Palkia LV.X. They bring up my claydol and it just sits there while my deck is being milled. Dusknoir can also be really mean.
Stop basing all of your opinions off of matches with me! No one plays like me!

DarthPika said:
The fact that a good SP beats it should tell you it's really not that great. ;)
Pf, the only SP deck with a favorable matchup against Flygon would be LuxApe. Dialga G is almost gone, Palkia G is easily countered by Pachi (and yes I use the thing, because it's better than Call with Gather Sand), and the rest is just plain OHKOd.

Flygon has a favourable match-up against LuxApe if they run Cynthia's, 3-3 Claydol etc. to deal with the early disruption. There's no denying that when Flygon sets up it's GG to LuxApe. I'm more than happy to test on redshark to prove my point.

Palkia G is the hardest for Flygon. The insane disruption is amazing against S2 decks and I'd label this a hard match-up.
Considering that I fail to use Cynthia's it's no wonder I have an issue with LuxApe. Then again, we use different techs.
^You need cynthia's in flygon. When a flygon get's Koed and you are trying to get that premier ball to chain flygons then it really helps.