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Ok here is my deck list. Please note and I do not use Juniper. I do not have tropical beach. I have none to 2 of these available : escape rope, ether, catcher, colress. All other trainers, energies, and pokemon I have plenty of (minus some ps and bc UR).

2 sableye
3 darkrai EX
4 sigilyph
3 deino nv
1 deino d exa
2 hydreigon nv
1 hydreigon d exa dark trance
1 hydreigon d exa healer
1 zweilous nv
1 zweilous d exa
3 ps guillotina (probably removing these for more trainers)

4 N
1 cilan
2 switch
1 giant cape
1 catcher
2 dark claw
1 enhanced hammer
1 super scoop up
3 dark patch
1 energy retrieval
2 tool scrapper
2 rare candy

6 psychic
4 dce
1 blend (dark-psy)
6 dark
What are the bottom half of the Pokemon's names? I can't understand them. And why you you have Psychic and DCE in a Hydreigon deck? They all should be Darkness/Blend GRPD/Prism Energies because that allows them to be moved around with Dark Trance.
NV = noble victories, d exa = dragons exalted, ps = plasma storm. Guillotina is the original direct translation of Japanese name for giratina, I prefer it because it makes me think of guillotines slicing bodies.

I use 2 of the hydreigon that makes dce dark type (they can get powered up faster). I use basic psychic energies for the healer hydreigon and all the sigilyphs ( they have won the game for me against EX cards). I did not think dark trance could be used to move blend or prism energies.
Healer Hydreigon? nononononononononononononono. Only the Dark Trance should be played for consistency and less clutter. 4 Sigilyph is way too much, only 1-2 (probably 1) should be played as to not have clutter, but also to free up some space. You also have Dark Patch so there's no need to have a way to get the powered up faster. It also wastes your attachment per turn attaching a DCE that, after 'Tranced off, will be useless.
You are the 2nd person to say get rid of healer hydreigon, so its going out along with the tinas.

So I am confused....if blend/prism energy can be moved with dark trance, cant dce (if it is not on NV hydreigon it can not be moved again) be moved a bit with the dark trance?

Still hoping for some input on my trainer engine.

Thanks to any and all who help.
DCE can only be moved if it provides {D} Energy. The other Hydreigon's ability makes it provide {D}. You can move it off of it, but it will never be able to be moved again (that is, unless you moved it to another Dark-Type Hydreigon).
The supporter line is too low, this is what I would put as my supporter line.

4 N
4 Professor Juniper
2 Skyla
1 Colress
1 Random Receiver (at least)

You lose a lot of speed in a deck that doesn't have enough supporters. If you were to add another supporter, it would have to be Colress. Besides that, I'm out.
Your deck seems to be missing a lot of things, including Supporters. In the current format, all decks need 13/14/15 supporters if you don't want to suffer a Supporter drought. Using Jason Klaczynski's math, we know that since there's 60 cards in a deck, if you play 13 Supporters, then the odds of avoiding a Supporter as your first card in your opening hand is 47/60. And for our second card, it is 46/59. And so on and so on.
(47/60)*(46/59)*(45/58)*(44/57)*(43/56)*(42/55)*(41/54) = 0.1628440500237542
100 -16 = 84% chance we will get a supporter in our opening hand, 86% after you draw a card for your turn. Darkrai variants can get away with this since you play Random Receiver, which you can get back with Sableye's Junk Hunt.

This means that most games, you will always get a supporter, which is crucial to getting set up most of the time. Because of this, the first thing we will add to your deck is supporters.

Your current Supporter line:
4x N
1x Cilan

Changes we will make to your Supporter line:
-1 Cilan (You shouldn't suffer an energy drought with any good list)
-3 Giratina PS (Not a good card, outclassed by other attackers)
-1 Giant Cape (Definitely not a good card in anything but Garbodor)
-1 Energy Retrieval (You don't need to recover energies since you will move them around with Hydreigon)
-1 Enhanced Hammer (This is Darkrai/Hydra, not Hammertime)
-2 Switch (not needed since you focus on using Darkrai for retreating)
+4 Professor Juniper (best Supporter in format- always play 4)
+3 Bianca (Since Darkrai variants use up their hand quickly, Bianca is a must)
+2 Random Receiver (Supporter Search that you can Junk Hunt)

Your Supporter line after these changes:
4x N
4x Professor Juniper
3x Bianca
2x Random Receiver

After these supporters are added, your list should be much more consistent. However, there are still many problems I see. The first question that comes to mind is why do you play Hydreigons besides the Dark Trance one? The entire point of Darkrai/Hydreigon is to move the energies around with Dark Trance which can give all of your guys free retreat, and make it so you can play Max Potion without a consequence. Even though I have fixed your supporter line, it is necessary to add the following cards, too:

Cards we will remove:
-3 Hydreigons (the non Dark Trance one. Your deck should be all about spamming Dark Trances)
-3 Sigilyph (Sigilyph is a good card, but 4 is overkill)
-1 Zweilous (Try to focus more on using Rare Candy then directly evolving. This way, you can set up your Pokemon faster)
-6 Psychic Energy (Why play Psychic Energy when you can move energies around if they're Blend?)
-4 DCE (You don't need DCE in this deck, since you move Darks around with Hydra, anyways)
-1 Super Scoop Up (Max Potion does the same thing in this deck, but without the flip)

Cards we will add:
+3 Dark Trance Hydreigon (The focus of this deck; what it revolves around)
+1 Deino (So you can set up Hydreigon faster)
+2 Rare Candy (Helps you set up any Stage 2 much quicker. 4 is a staple in all Stage 2 decks)
+3 Blend Energy (Better than Psychic, since Hydreigon can move it around)
+1 Keldeo-EX (Can Rush-In and Retreat with Darkrai. This is your counter to Virbank + Hypnotoxic Laser)
+2 Dark Energy (So Dark Trance can work on it)
+3 Max Potion (a free heal because of Dark Trance)
+3 Pokemon Catcher (I know you said you only have 2, but 4 is a staple in all decks. They're fairly common to get, and it is amazing because it is a free KO. Plus, Darkrai-EX needs these so it can get double KOs with its snipe)

Your final list should look like this:
4-1-4 Hydreigon (Dark Trance)
2x Sableye
3x Darkrai EX
1x Sigilyph
1x Keldeo-EX

4x N
4x Professor Juniper
3x Bianca
2x Random Receiver
4x Pokemon Catcher
3x Max Potion
2x Dark Claw
3x Dark Patch
2x Tool Scrapper
4x Rare Candy

4x Blend Energy GRPD
8x Darkness Energy
Both already added and my deck is much better now, at least until freeze come sout. Thanks.