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Standard Darkrai EX / Hypno


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon (11):
  • 4 Darkrai EX (BKP)
  • 3 Drowzee (BKP)
  • 3 Hypno (BKP)
  • 1 Yveltal EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (39):
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 3 Shauna
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Judge
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 2 Professor's Letter
  • 1 Pokémon Fan Club
  • 4 Max Elixer
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Trainers’ Mail
  • 4 All Night Party
Energy (10):
  • 6 Darkness Energy
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

Put both active to sleep with Hypno, wake up Darkrai with all night party, Dark Head for 180 damage (w/ muscle band)

Let me know of any tweaks

I like the idea but maybe think about dropping a hypno line. 2-2 should be fine for just hanging on the bench. I also think a 2-2 of zoroark would be good too. Wake up darkrai with rush in float stone plus you'll have a solid back up attacker that could take advantage of the DCE. I just wouldn't rely too much on the stadium, maybe drop that down to 2 or 3.

Just a few things to consider.
So you need baby Yevltal for sure. Yevltal Ex is not needed nor is 4 Darkrai EX. 4 All Night part is to much, three is fine but personally I like to run 2 especially since you are not running a Delinquent. Over all I have been play testing something similar and it runs pretty smoothly. I would add a Shaymin or two for the extra draw power.

- 2 All Night Party
- 1 Yevltal EX
- 1 Darkrai EX
- 2 Prof Letter
- 1 Pokemon Fan Club
- 1 Muscle Band

+ 2 Shaymin
+ 1 Delinquent
+ 1 Skyla
+ 1 Dark Energy
+ 2 Startling Megaphone
+ 1 Lysandre

I feel mega phone is going to be really good in this new upcoming meta due to Garb and it blocks Spirit links so you can continue to get the OTK or force them to end their turn.
I think you should drop the AZ for another Yveltal, or perhaps a Yveltal EX. Great deck, great strategy, though!
Love the deck, but I would use Malmar instead of Hypno. Plus put in the non EX Yveltal for Energy acceleration. Other than that, I love it.
Great advice all. I am going to make some changes and do some play testing with my son. He is working on a M Gyrados deck as well. I will report back.
I'm not all that familiar with the metagame, but why is the Yveltal EX needed? Don't get me wrong, I love having all the available cards to use, but it just strikes me as unnecessary. I myself just got all the cards needed for this deck (with the exception of a few cards that are different, and a couple I'm still missing). Here's my list:

3x Zubat (PHF)
3x Golbat (PHF)
3x Crobat (PHF)
3x Drowsee (BKP)
3x Hypno (BKP)
2x Sigilyph (BKP)
2x Phantump (BKP)
2x Trevenant (either in BKP or the promo for the prerelease)
1x Trevenant BREAK (BKP)
1x Hoopa EX (AOR)
3x Darkrai EX (BKP)
1x Krookodile EX (XY promo #25)
2x Malamar EX
1x Brigette (BKT)
1x Professor Sycamore
2x Tierno (BKP)
2x Bursting Balloon (BKP)
1x Level Ball (AOR)
1x VS Seeker (I know, weird, right? Well I only have 5 total VS Seekers, and 4 are in another deck xD)
3x All Night Party (BKP)
3x Double Colorless Energy (should probably up this to 4)
2x Mystery Energy (might remove this)
2x Dangerous Energy (AOR)
6x Psychic Energy
7x Darkness Energy

This is just me playing around, btw. I'm not sure if any of this would actually work in a tournament :p.

Anyway... to the suggestion... I suggest you add a Hoopa EX and a Brigette, so you have a better way to accelerate your Pokemon onto the field. No need for a 4 count of Ultra Ball if you have Hoopa EX, and that frees up room for other powers. It also reduces the possibility that you'll need to discard something you need in using Ultra Ball. I myself have done extensive testing of my version of the deck, and let me tell you it's definitely the best deck I have (with the exception of maybe Shedinja/Mew EX). I'm sitting there laughing at my opponents that use a fire deck, a poison deck, and even an overpowered illegal deck(that I made for the fun of it, just to see how OP I could make a deck) with multiple ACE SPECs as I brutally KO a Pokemon a turn xD.

Back to Hoopa EX, I think you should add a few Psychic Energy to power its attack, just in case you need it in a pinch. Maybe 3-4. Though I dunno... I could just be whacked :p. I'd love to see how this deck does in a tournament... I think I might enter one with it once I get the cards I need. Would be my first actual tournament.

Anyway long story short, good deck, just needs a few tweaks.
so, hypno is my favorite pokemon, and i really love ariados and machamp, so i think i will like this deck. the only problem is that hypno got rarity bumped... :(
besides that, i think this deck will have some good potential. i agree with the inclusion of yveltal would be nice, and now that it is getting a reprint. another thing that i would include would be fighting fury belt instead of muscle band, and the new stadium that gives dark pokemon 10 more damage
Hi crasco!

So after looking at the deck here are some cards you could potentially swap out:

All Night Party: A very solid card in this deck, but having four in most cases is a bit excessive as most decks will run upwards of two, so you can lower the count to around three copies.

Max Elixir: To me this card could potentially be a solid card, but having four isn't going to help a whole lot in my opinion as Darkrai EX only needs one Dark Energy and a Double Colorless Energy to power up so dropping the count to two could be your best bet.

Yveltal EX: A great attacker yes, but in this deck it's not needed as the basic Yveltal or Fright Night Yveltal could potentially be better as both can set up for knockouts and depending which one you pick, one can set up your Darkrai EX or can stop your opponents from potentially mega evolving.

Darkrai EX: This card is obviously a staple card of the deck, but it's count can be lowered to three so you can help accelerate the deck.

AZ: This card should only be used if you're playing Shaymin EX in this deck since Hypno has low HP and will most like be a OHKO and Darkai EX will always have energy in most cases.

So here is what I would take out:

All Night Party - 1
Max Elixir - 2
Yveltal EX - 1
Darkrai EX - 1
AZ - 1 (Depending if Shaymin EX is put in)

Here is what you can add:
+ 1 Yveltal (Fright Night or Y Cyclone)
+ 1 Shaymin EX (If you keep AZ)
+ 2 Professor Birch's Observations (If you remove AZ)
+ 1 Super Rod
+ 1 Lysandre

I hope this helps. Have fun and good luck!
So now that the new cards are on PTCGO I have been testing a lot of different versions of this deck and I find it very hard to get set up. I am working on a version of Darkrai EX based on the first attack and have had some pretty good success so far, have not finished lower than 2nd in a PTCGO tournament. I will post that deck in a new thread once I fine tune it a bit.