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Crobat/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX/Blissey


Aspiring Trainer
This deck is a kind of copy to that of google' deck. It works about the same way (i think) and i think it is decent for now but with your help i think it will be a success.

Pokemon ( 27 ):
2-2-2 Crobat Prime / Golbat / Zubat
3-2-2 Vileplume / Gloom / Oddish
3-2-2 Reuniclus / Duosion / Solosis
2 Zekrom ( 2 Regigigas EX when it actually comes out )
3 Pichu
1-1 Blissey Prime / Chansey

T/S/S ( 20 ):
4 Twins
4 Sages Training
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Pokemon Communication
4 Rare Candy
2 Seeker
1 Copycat

Energy ( 12 ):
4 Double Collorless Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
2 Rescue Energy
2 Psychic Energy

The Strategy works like this...
I would try and get out a Vileplume out as soon as possible, with a Regigigas in front. Then i would have the Reuniclus keep taking damage off of Regigigas and put it back on to Regigigas to attack with Raging Hammer. The rescue energy are since i have no way to get pokemon out of the discard after their knocked out. Ya this deck is similar to google' deck with my own kind of spin on it. Thanks google, you are one creatve guy!!
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

The concept is nice but there is just so much fire in the format that can easily do 70. And at that point you don't have any time to move energy/you can't move energy.
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

I agree that fire is a prominent type in this format and that is a drawback in this deck. I teched in a Lanturn Prime for that reason alone. All it needs is a DCE and an electric energy and it can OHKO Reshiram. I just don't know how easy it will be to get a fully charged Lanturn out quickly to respond...
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

-2 Sage's Training(you probably will have good draw power by dropping 2 of these)
-3 twins(to me this deck seems to be fast with stage 1's and basics as attackers)
-1 zekrom(you probably are safe to drop 1 because you have decent attackers as it is)

+2 PONT (consistency)
+1 Flower Shop Lady(To recover energy and pokemon late game)
+3 junk arm(will help you get useful trainers back)
*Also you might want to try catcher out in this deck(just an idea)*

I hope i helped =)
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

Thanks for the ideas! There are a few that i don't agree with and i will start with thoes...

The first is I don't agree with is that dropping twins is a good idea, yes i do have a stage 1 and a basic as my attackers but they are both slow for basics and stage 1s. Getting my tecks up is my first priority. Without trainer lock and a way to move damage counters around the deck completly falls apart and both tecks being stage 3 i will fall behind for sure...

I am also not going to add any junk arms or catchers because of the trainer lock. I don't want to have too many "useless" trainers in my deck after the trainer lock starts, I say useless because after the trainer lock trainers might as well be blank cards.

However i do like the idea of taking a Zekrom/Regigigas away as i won't need more than 1 on my bench at a time.

I also like the Flower Shop Lady as I don't have any way to recover after a knock out.

I will also probablly end up taking one sage's away and adding a Professor Oak's.
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

jeta said:
Thanks for the ideas! There are a few that i don't agree with and i will start with thoes...

The first is I don't agree with is that dropping twins is a good idea, yes i do have a stage 1 and a basic as my attackers but they are both slow for basics and stage 1s. Getting my tecks up is my first priority. Without trainer lock and a way to move damage counters around the deck completly falls apart and both tecks being stage 3 i will fall behind for sure...

I am also not going to add any junk arms or catchers because of the trainer lock. I don't want to have too many "useless" trainers in my deck after the trainer lock starts, I say useless because after the trainer lock trainers might as well be blank cards.

However i do like the idea of taking a Zekrom/Regigigas away as i won't need more than 1 on my bench at a time.

I also like the Flower Shop Lady as I don't have any way to recover after a knock out.

I will also probablly end up taking one sage's away and adding a Professor Oak's.

thats Okay after all it is your decision im just happy that i could give you some ideas to try to improve your deck :D
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

Remove the Steelix. You can't use switch, so steelix is completely useless for eenrgy recovery. Sure, you can pull an energy out of the discard, but with his massive retreat you will discard all you got and more to retreat him back. Keep in mind Reshiram can OHKO Lanturn back, so unless you have a very consistent deck that swarms Lanturn they won't help very much. THe changes I'd make are something like this:

-2-2 Steelix Prime discussed in above paragraph
-1 Reuniclus 3-2-2 is the best line to run since vileplume locks your own trainers, so you'll need the stage 1
-1 Vileplume see Reuniclus
-1-1 Lanturn see Steelix
-2 Engineer's Adjustments with your energy all being desperately needed you cannot run this
-1 Flower Shop Lady if this deck works right, you'll only lose a Pichu or two. Plus, you have very little basic energy, so that's wasted too
-4 Metal Energy (sp) without Steelix you don't need this

I'm not going to put an actual list of what to put, but I'll describe what the deck needs it general: a donphan counter. google's deck functioned by having a counter to everything in the format. As of now, your deck does not. Don't tell me Lanturn worked-Donphan OHKOs than too, so you'll take maybe 1 donphan out with your lanturn then the next Donphan kills everything you have. Good counters for him are Suicune Entei Legend, Smaurott, and Crobat. You also need 4 rainbow energy, in addition to giving you damage counters to work with its also very versartile and provides energy for any attack. You'll also want at least a 1-1 line of Blissey Prime in case too much damage gets onto your field. Hopefully that should give you a general idea of what to put in those 15 spots.
RE: Steelix/Reuniclus/Vileplume/Regigigas EX

I do have to say that at first I was in complete disagreement with you, but after reading what you said over and thinking about it I can't agree more. Here is why basically for all the reason's listed above, when I do have steelix active and I have powered up Regigigas/Zekrom then what? Am I expecting Steelix to get knocked out or just knock him out myself because I am sure I won't discard all of my energy just to retreat him. I also see your point about Lanturn. If I only have 1 and he has 3 even if i happen to knock him then he still has 2 left and I can't do anything about it.

I am deciding to add Crobat as my counter. I came to this conclusion because Crobat has 0 retreat compared to 1, he can also snipe for 30 at the baby pokemon without bringing energy back to my hand, and he functions on 1 energy instead of 3.